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Presentation on theme: "THE NATURE OF MATHEMATICS"— Presentation transcript:


2 FITRAH MATEMATIK Penyelesaian masalah Logik / mantik
Perkiraan (Calculation) Sistem nombor Sukatan Algebra

3 PROBLEM SOLVING NCTM’s thinking mathematics standards Problem solving
Communication Reasoning Making connections

Through problem solving, children learn that there are many different ways to solve a problem and that more than one answer is possible. It involves the ability to explore, think through an issue, and reason logically to solve routine as well as non-routine problems. In addition to helping with mathematical thinking, this activity builds language and social skills such as working together.

5 Penyelesaian Masalah Apa itu masalah?
2+2=? 12x34=? Apakah yang anda faham tentang masalah? Bagaimana anda menakrifkan sesuatu masalah matematik?

6 Proses Penyelesaian Masalah
Apabila berhadapan dengan situasi bermasalah, anda perlu berfikir untuk mencari penyelesaian menggunakan satu model penyelesaian masalah yang berkesan Apakah model penyelesaian masalah yang anda ketahui atau pernah gunakan?

7 Model Polya Apakah langkah-langkah dalam Model Polya?

8 Memahami Model Polya Sila baca “The nature of Problem Solving” halaman 7.

9 Mengaplikasi Model Polya
Lihat contoh-contoh berikut Contoh 4 Bolehkah anda selesaikan Contoh 5 dengan cara yang lain?

10 Rumusan Penyelesaian masalah
merupakan suatu proses perlu berfikir (memahami situasi, organise data) kegunaan model boleh membantu perlu menguasai pelbagai strategi Apakah strategi-strategi penyelesaian masalah yang anda tahu?

11 Men at Work Two men, working at the same rate, took 5 days to lay the bricks of a wall. If the rate of one man was doubled and that of the other man was halved, how long would they have taken to finish the wall?

12 A Simple Solution Day 1 Day 5 1st workman 2nd workman

13 After Day 1

14 After Day 2

15 After Day 3

16 After Day 4

17 Refleksi Adakah anda Memahami masalah yang diberikan?
Merancang satu pelan tindakan / strategi yang baik? Melaksanakan pelan tindakan yang disediakan? Menyemak jawapan anda?

18 PROBLEM SOLVING Polya’s Model (How to solve it) Understand the problem
Devising a plan Carrying out the plan Looking back

19 MATHEMATICAL LOGIC Reasoning is used to think through a question and come up with a useful answer. It is a major part of problem solving.

20 LOGIK Penaakulan induktif Penaakulan deduktif
Pemikiran mantik (Operators and laws of logic) Bukti matematik

21 REASONING Inductive reasoning
First observing patterns then predicting the answers to more complicated problems Reasoning from particular facts or cases to a general conjecture A generalisation made based on observed occurrences Also called the scientific method

22 REASONING Deductive reasoning
Reaching a conclusion based on a given set of assumptions or premises A general axiom is given to the learner eg “Triangles are closed, three-sided figures” The learner considers a given figure and if the figure contains the features of a triangle with certainty, a conclusion is then made eg “Figure ABC is a triangle”

Sistem nombor Mesir / Babylon Hindu-Arab Alat perkiraan Nombor Nombor asli Nombor perdana Nombor integer Nombor nisbah Nombor tak nisbah

24 NUMBERS Number sense and numeration: Number sense is much more than merely counting, it involves the ability to think and work with numbers easily and to understand their uses and relationships. Number sense is about understanding the different uses for numbers (describe quantities and relationships, informational tools).

Number sense is the ability to count accurately and competently, to see relationships between numbers, and to be able to take a specific number apart and put it back together again. It is about counting, adding, and subtracting. Counting and becoming familiar with numbers will help children understand all other aspects of math.

26 MEASUREMENT Measurement is finding the length, height, and weight of an object using appropriate units. Time is measured using hours, seconds, and minutes. Measurement is an important way for young children to look for relationships in the real world.

27 ALGEBRA Polinomial Pemfaktoran Persamaan Ketaksamaan
Nisbah, perkadaran

28 SUKATAN & UKURAN Perimeter Luas Luas permukaan Isipadu


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