if the tree is empty, do nothing,

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Presentation on theme: "if the tree is empty, do nothing,"— Presentation transcript:

1 if the tree is empty, do nothing,
else: (For preorder) visit root do left subtree do right subtree

2 if the tree is empty, do nothing,
else: (For inorder) do left subtree visit root do right subtree

3 if the tree is empty, do nothing,
else: (For postorder) do left subtree do right subtree visit root

4 if the tree is empty, do nothing,
else: (For preorder) visit root do left subtree do right subtree (For inorder) (For postorder)

5 void pre-traverse(Treenode p)
{ Treenode-stack A; Clear(A); while (true) if (p ≠ nil) { Visit(p); Stack(A, p); p ← p↑Llink; } else if (Empty(A)) return; { p ← Unstack(A); p ← p↑Rlink;

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