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1 Jackson

2 Who is Jackson? Parents were Scots-Irish Hero in Battle of New Orleans
Known as hot tempered 3 duels “Old Hickory” Depicted as a ”frontiersman” – actually lived on a plantation and had slaves Campaigned against corruption and privilege of the elite Appealed to westerners and southerners Self-educated

3 Election of 1824 Corrupt Bargain
Jackson accused Clay and QA of arranging votes

4 Election of 1828 Key Issues End corrupt Politics
JQA seen as a corrupt aristocrat American System Mudslinging *Jackson’s wife died of a heart attack – blamed Adams and Clay



7 As POTUS Saw himself as protector of the common people against abuses of power by the rich Opposed federal spending and national debt State’s rights

8 Spoils System Rewarding political supporters with public office
Anyone can learn to govern Led to corruption, ineptitude and scandal

9 Tariff of Abominations
Protect Northern Industry SC threatens to secede

10 Nullification Crisis Large debate
States had rights to declare laws void because they were unconstitutional Southerners not satisfied and began declaring laws unconstitutional Jackson sent troops in Military force – Force Bill Not willing to back down Opponents argued Jackson = King

11 The Bank War Hated the bank Vetoed law to renew bank’s charter in 1832
Thought it only benefited the wealthy and north Unconstitutional Vetoed law to renew bank’s charter in 1832 Took money out of ntl bank and put it in private state banks Ntl bank collapsed Led to economic collapse later - Panic of 1837

12 Native-American Policy
Assimilation Move – Oklahoma Trail of Tears US Army 4,000 Natives died along the way 116 day journey in winter 1830 – Indian Removal Act Congress set money aside to remove all eastern Native Americans

13 Rise of the Whigs New political party
Created in opposition to Jackson’s policies Against his forceful style Stronger fed gov Supported industrial and commercial economy

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