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Ch.21 A Turbulent Decade Discuss the economic conditions after the war. Explain the reaction to the new immigration.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch.21 A Turbulent Decade Discuss the economic conditions after the war. Explain the reaction to the new immigration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch.21 A Turbulent Decade Discuss the economic conditions after the war. Explain the reaction to the new immigration.

2 Bellringer The war is over. What does this mean to Americans?

3 Copy HW Read and outline p. 628-633 Questions
What did the Sacco and Vanzetti case show about the society at the time? Why did the US Senate reject the Treaty of Versailles? Why did the US enter WWI? Discuss the significance of McCulloch v. Maryland?

4 Intro Look at the Almanac on p – Name one topic of interest from one of the categories….

5 Postwar Troubles Demobilization Shift from Wartime to peacetime
Rapid after WWI – 4 million soldiers returned to civilian life in a year Women had to relinquish jobs Inflation skyrocketed (spending spree caused demand to outpace supply)

6 1920-1921 Recession $2 billion in war contracts cancelled
10%+ of labor force unemployed Farm Crisis Prices fell Debt causes problems Sound familiar?

7 Labor Strife Management ignored labor demands
strikes – 4 million workers Seattle General Strike (Feb. 1919) Shipyard workers demanded higher pay and shorter workdays 110 other unions joined 60K workers walked off jobs Mayor blamed on bolsheviks and summoned police


9 Strike ended after 5 days
No demands met Negative publicity for labor unions

10 Boston Police Strike – unsuccessful
The Steel Strike – 365 K workers walked off jobs – labeled immigrants as non- loyal Americans Brought in AAs and Mex-Ams to work Unsuccessful

11 THE RED SCARE Anti-communist hysteria The Palmer Raids
bombs found in US mail Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer’s house bombed by an Italian anarchist Palmer launched an anti-Red crusade J. Edgar Hoover put in charge Raids arrested thousands – most immigrants



14 Emma Goldman – jailed in 1917 for opposing draft
Author of Mother Earth 1919- deported to Russia

15 Sacco and Vanzetti Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti tried for a payroll robbery and murder in Boston Convicted and sentenced to death Outcry –belief that they were found guilty due to their anarchist beliefs International appeal Aug. 23, 1927 – electrocuted



18 Upton Sinclair and Boston
On August 23, 1977 Governor Dukakis issued proclamation that said that they had been treated unjustly and "any disgrace should be forever removed from their names."

19 Closure What did the Sacco and Vanzetti case reveal about America in the 1920s?

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