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Rocks and the Rock Cycle

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Presentation on theme: "Rocks and the Rock Cycle"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rocks and the Rock Cycle

2 Rock Cycle Song

3 The Life of a Rock Layers of sediment join together.
Changes are made from pressure and heat. Melted rock cools and hardens

4 Rocks become smaller, and smaller, and smaller, and smaller. . .
By erosion By wind By earthquake By floods By rain By slides By man

5 Terms to Know Weathering: the breaking up of rocks and soil
Erosion: the moving of weathered rock and soil. Weathering allows erosion to take place.

6 Products of Weathering
Clay Sand Rock Fragments (pebbles and stones)

7 Rocks change………….. By earthquakes By volcanoes By heat and pressure

8 How does rock change? Rocks are heated, squeezed, folded, or chemically changed by contact with hot fluids marble

9 Three Types of Rocks Rocks are classified by how they form Igneous
Sedimentary Metamorphic Rocks can change from one type to another over time Schist

10 Rock Classification Rocks are classified by: How they form Texture
Grain size Mineral composition Conglomerate Sedimentary Rock

11 Sedimentary Rock is . . . Rock formed when layers of small particles of shell, rock, and sand join together.

12 Sedimentary Rock Sedimentary rock: forms from the compaction and/or cementation of sediments This process is called lithification Sediments are: Rock pieces Mineral grains Shell fragments Limestone

13 How do sediments form? weathering Sediments form through the processes of weathering and erosion of rocks exposed at Earth’s surface erosion

14 Sedimentary Rock con’t….
Sedimentary rock can also form from the chemical depositing of materials that were once dissolved in water When water evaporates, minerals are left behind and form rock gypsum

15 Sedimentary Rocks How They are Made
Wind and water break down the earth Bits of earth settle in lakes and rivers Layers are formed and build up Pressure and time turn the layers to rock

16 Sedimentary Rocks Limestone Shale Sandstone Granite

17 Types of Sedimentary Rocks
Sandstone Limestone Gypsum Conglomerate Shale

18 Fossils Fossils are usually found in sedimentary rock and are the remains or imprints of plants and animals that died long ago.

19 Fossils-Life From the Past
Fossils provide information about life and conditions of the past. Scientific evidence shows that the Earth is approximately 4.5 billion years old

20 Metamorphic Rock is . . . Rock that is formed when pressure and heat create changes to sedimentary or igneous rock.

21 Metamorphic Rock Metamorphic rock: forms when any rock type is changed into a different kind of rock Changes due to great heat and/or pressure Gneiss

22 How does rock change? Rocks are heated, squeezed, folded, or chemically changed by contact with hot fluids marble

23 Metamorphic Rocks What are They?
Rocks that have changed They were once igneous or sedimentary Pressure and heat changed the rocks

24 Types of Metamorphic Rocks
Schist Gneiss

25 Igneous Rock is . . . Rock that is formed when melted rock cools and hardens.

26 Igneous Rocks What are They?
Fire Rocks Formed underground by trapped, cooled magma Formed above ground when volcanoes erupt and magma cools

27 Igneous Rocks Igneous rock: forms when molten rock (magma) cools and hardens Classified by: Where they form Crystal (grain) size Basalt

28 Intrusive Igneous Rock
Intrusive igneous: cooling takes place slowly beneath Earth’s surface granite

29 Extrusive Igneous Rock
Extrusive igneous: cooling takes place rapidly on Earth’s surface Pumice

30 Igneous rock

31 Types of Igneous Rocks Scoria Granite Pumice Obsidian

32 The Rock Cycle

33 The Earth Recycles Rock
The rock cycle is an ongoing series of processes inside Earth and on the surface Slowly changes rocks from one kind to another Any type of rock can change into another type

34 How does this relate to plate tectonics?
Plate movement drives the rock cycle Subduction (1 plate pushed under another plate) Re-melts rock into magma Mountain building Folding, faulting, uplift Exposes rock at the surface to be weathered and eroded




38 Cementation and compaction (lithification)
Heat and pressure Weathering, transportation(erosion), and deposition Cooling and solidification Melting

39 Rocks/Rock Cycle Foldable
Your foldable should include the following: Name of each rock type How each rock type formed A brief description of rock type At least 2 examples of each rock type Illustrate 1 example for each rock type

40 Copy Me

41 Review of the Rock Cycle
How are sedimentary rocks formed? What is a fossil? How are metamorphic rocks formed? How are igneous rocks formed? Give an example of each type of rock. What is weathering? Explain what erosion is.

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