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CAE 213 Introduction to Adult Education

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1 CAE 213 Introduction to Adult Education
Adult educators CAE 213 Introduction to Adult Education

2 Adult Educators Booker T. Washington George Washington Carver
Jack Mezirow Paulo Friere Myles Horton Jane Vella Sharan Merriam and Phyllis Cunningham Stephen Brookfield James Fowler Kenn Gangel What educational convictions and practices do they share? What makes them different?

3 What do they share? All emphasize identification with the learner (some more directly than others). All believe that education can be transformative. All are deeply involved in the facilitation of adult learning. All were successful facilitators of adult learning in their context. All emphasized the importance of experiential learning as opposed to abstract/disconnected knowledge transfer.

4 What makes them each unique?
Booker T. Washington – was an oppressed young adult who was personally transformed through access to education. Worked within the social structure to transform individual lives without directly addressing the injustices of the system. For this reason he was identified as having non-threatening racial views. He was “The Great Accomodator.” George Washington Carver Jack Mezirow Paulo Friere

5 What makes them each unique?
Booker T. Washington – an oppressed young adult, transformed through education, worked within structure to transform individual lives. George Washington Carver – was committed to better the lot of the man farthest down. Held a holistic view of humanity’s need including spirituality. Worked within the system to transform the lives of those farthest down. Jack Mezirow Paulo Friere

6 What makes them each unique?
Booker T. Washington – an oppressed young adult, transformed through education, worked within structure to transform individual lives. George Washington Carver – Worked within the system to transform the lives of those farthest down. Jack Mezirow – Identified and developed transformational learning theory. Outlined the transformative learning process as experience, critical reflection, and personal development. Worked to transform individual lives by challenging previously held perspectives and limitations. Paulo Friere

7 What makes them each unique?
Booker T. Washington – an oppressed young adult, transformed through education, worked within structure to transform individual lives. George Washington Carver – Worked within the system to transform the lives of those farthest down. Jack Mezirow –Transformed individuals by challenging perspectives and limitations. Paulo Friere – identified with the struggles of oppressed people. Developed a consciousness-raising process to motivate oppressed learners to become literate and work to transform inherently oppressive social structures. Used the cultural knowledge of learners in the consciousness-raising process.

8 What makes them each unique?
Booker T. Washington George Washington Carver Jack Mezirow Paulo Friere Myles Horton – used adult education to mobilize and empower learner to modify oppressive social structures. Jane Vella – used dialogue to access the knowledge base of learners and motivate them to form answers that could resolve their contextual needs. Sharan Merriam and Phyllis Cunningham – Trained effective adult educators. Stephen Brookfield – Trained reflective adult educators. James Fowler Kenn Gangel

9 What makes them each unique?
Booker T. Washington George Washington Carver Jack Mezirow Paulo Friere Myles Horton Jane Vella Sharan Merriam and Phyllis Cunningham Stephen Brookfield James Fowler – Outlined a theory of faith development that many adult educators use in facilitating spiritual development. Kenn Gangel – Viewed adult education as a strategic resource for local church educational ministry.

10 On what topics would they possibly agree/disagree?
Imagine Booker T. Washington, George Washington Carver, Jack Mezirow, Paulo Friere, Myles Horton, Jane Vella, Sharan Merriam and Phyllis Cunningham, Stephen Brookfield, James Fowler, and Kenn Gangel were able to sit down and talk. This could not have happened because they lived in different places and during different times. If they could sit down and compare notes, how do you think each of them would answer the following 5 questions:

11 1. What was/is your most important contribution to AE?
Booker T. Washington George Washington Carver Jack Mezirow Paulo Friere Myles Horton Jane Vella Sharan Merriam and/or Phyllis Cunningham Stephen Brookfield James Fowler Kenn Gangel

12 2. Who were/are you trying to help?
Booker T. Washington George Washington Carver Jack Mezirow Paulo Friere Myles Horton Jane Vella Sharan Merriam and/or Phyllis Cunningham Stephen Brookfield James Fowler Kenn Gangel

13 3. What is the role of education in society?
Booker T. Washington George Washington Carver Jack Mezirow Paulo Friere Myles Horton Jane Vella Sharan Merriam and/or Phyllis Cunningham Stephen Brookfield James Fowler Kenn Gangel

14 4. What are/were other educators doing right?
Booker T. Washington George Washington Carver Jack Mezirow Paulo Friere Myles Horton Jane Vella Sharan Merriam and/or Phyllis Cunningham Stephen Brookfield James Fowler Kenn Gangel

15 5. What area(s)/concerns should the other educators develop?
Booker T. Washington George Washington Carver Jack Mezirow Paulo Friere Myles Horton Jane Vella Sharan Merriam and/or Phyllis Cunningham Stephen Brookfield James Fowler Kenn Gangel

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