Choirs and Soloists.

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1 Choirs and Soloists

2 What does the Bible Teach?
Ephesians 5:17-21 “speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord” What is to be done : Sing and make melody in your heart Who is to do it: “yourselves” “to one another” Some argue that an individual, or choir would fulfill this command

3 What does the Bible Teach?
IF only some “understand what the will of the Lord is,” would that satisfy God? (v.17) IF only some “submitted to one another,” would we be fulfilling the command? (v.21) NO! We understand that these verses apply to all Christians Some argue that it doesn’t have to be at the same time, so long as all do some singing at some point. Can we say we don’t all have to submit at the some time, as long as we eventually get around to it at some point?

4 What does the Bible Teach?
Colossians 3:13 – Can some of us forgive, so long as we all eventually get around to it at some point? NO! We understand that these verses apply to all Christians Some argue that listening is implied in these verses. How can your teach if no one listens, so it some sing and some listen we are fulfilling the command. V.21 “submitting” means someone is being submitted to, so we say that as long as some submit and some are submitted to, the command is fulfilled?

5 What does the Bible Teach?
Just as submitting and submitted to can be done at the same time, so can singing and listening Just as one doesn’t need to be told to accept submission, neither does a singer need to be told to listen The only way to understand these verses is that it is talking about congregational singing where every able-bodied person participates in the singing of psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs

6 What does the Bible Teach?
What we are to SING: psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs Colossians 3: “teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.” Worship is involved “to the Lord” (v. 16) Whole congregation addressed “in one body” (v.15) We are to sing “songs, hymns, and spiritual songs” Cannot be fulfilled by only SOME acting

7 What does the Bible Teach?
1 Corinthians 14:26-33 Argument that speaking in tongues should be done one at a time, revelation one at a time, and interpretation one at a time. The verse says a person has a psalm, so doesn’t this imply a solo? If it did, it means only solos would be allowed. After all, everything is to be done one at a time We must be limited to two or three songs A person having a psalm to sing doesn’t imply as solo – Song leader picks out a song to sing. Yet, we all sang! Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16

8 Early Christians On These Commands
Chrysostom (late 4th century to early 5th century) “It was the ancient custom, as it still is with us, for all to come together and unitedly join in singing” Ignatius (35 to 107 A.D.) “And to a man you make up a chorus, so that joined together in harmony and having received the godly strain in unison, you might sing in one voice through Jesus Christ to the Father.” Eusebius (265 to 340 A.D.) “The measure of God’s acceptance of the singing…the unity of faith and piety with which we sing together the melodies of our praises.”

9 Early Christians On These Commands
Writers see the united singing of the congregation as a fulfillment of the command of Paul in 1 Corinthians 1:10 NKJV 10 Now I plead with you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.”

10 Questions: “Is no-congregational singing, outside of worship, wrong?”
No – James 5:13 “Is anyone cheerful? Let sing psalms.” “I agree that these verses do not justify the use of a choir or soloist is worship. But what if we use them for some of our songs?” The burden of proof is on you to prove that God allows choirs and solos in worship. Just because we like something is not sufficient reason to permit it use. We are here to worship God – not to be entertained

11 There us a way that is RIGHT and CAN NOT BE WRONG!
Anything else is doubtful at best SING is the command, and it is to be done by the entire congregation

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