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Directions 3-31-17 Get out yesterday’s work…be ready to listen to “review” PPT and fill in sheet if needed Get device/laptop and play QUIZIZZ (if time)

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Presentation on theme: "Directions 3-31-17 Get out yesterday’s work…be ready to listen to “review” PPT and fill in sheet if needed Get device/laptop and play QUIZIZZ (if time)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Directions Get out yesterday’s work…be ready to listen to “review” PPT and fill in sheet if needed Get device/laptop and play QUIZIZZ (if time) Take reproduction quiz & turn in to tray (USE PENCIL)

2 Budding

3 Regeneration & Fragmentation
Regeneration-Regrowth of body parts. Regeneration is not reproduction. Fragmentation- an organism breaks into two or more pieces (fragments) and each piece regenerates. Fragmentation is a form of reproduction.

4 Regeneration (watch 2.07 mins)

5 Fragmentation

6 Prefix “Bi” means TWO… Bacteria reproduces by splitting into 2!
Binary Fission is… When bacteria (and some protists) divides into two bacteria. Similar to mitosis… but since bacteria do not have a nucleus, they don’t need to go through the same phases (prophase, metaphase, and anaphase) Prefix “Bi” means TWO… Bacteria reproduces by splitting into 2!

7 Binary Fission

8 Sexual Reproduction Types include: Fertilization Pollination

9 Fertilization Combination of sperm and egg
Results in increased genetic diversity (combined traits)

10 Sexual- Meiosis Asexual-Mitosis
Advantages Can adapt to environmental change- Some of the population may survive even after a change in environmental conditions Only one parent needed- reproduction can happen at any time. Quick- can produce a large population in a short time Offspring are genetic mix of both parents- genetic diversity/ variation in traits Does not need much energy- few resources required

11 Sexual- Meiosis Asexual-Mitosis
Disadvantages Slow – can only produce a small population in a short time Limited ability to adapt – whole population could die off if their environment changes Lots of energy needed – must find mate before reproducing Offspring genetically identical to parents – no genetic diversity/ no variation of traits 2 parents needed - Reproduction requires both parents to be together, mature and fertile

12 Directions Get device/laptop and play QUIZIZZ (if time)
Take reproduction quiz & turn in to tray (USE PENCIL)

13 Extra slide follows…not needed

14 Sexual- Meiosis Advantages Disadvantages
Slow – can only produce a small population in a short time Can adapt to environmental change- Some of the population may survive even after a change in environmental conditions Lots of energy needed – must find mate before reproducing Offspring are genetic mix of both parents- genetic diversity/ variation in traits 2 parents needed - Reproduction requires both parents to be together, mature and fertile

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