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1 Timothy 1. 1 Timothy 1 Context: During Paul’s second Missionary journey he helped Timothy grow in relationship with Christ and church leadership.

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2 1 Timothy 1

3 Context: During Paul’s second Missionary journey he helped Timothy grow in relationship with Christ and church leadership. Paul mentored Timothy and charged him to guide the Ephesians into faithfulness and holiness.

4 Though Paul’s relationship with Timothy was special- he will not encourage Timothy to mistake him as the primary leader of his life. They both have one hope.

5 Timothy was charged to raise the church in Ephesus up with holy instruction that guided them to becoming: Morally superior yet well-liked people A closed community that was well separated from the world and all its problems Love, integrity, and lifestyles of trust in Jesus Biblically astute, doctrinally grounded faith

6 We should always be mindful that the quickest, easiest kind of discipleship is teaching the law so that behavior change is encouraged, but we do not get to know Jesus any better than as the highest example of faithfulness.

7 The law’s purpose is not as the end point where we aim- but the starting point that shows our need for grace and response to the Lord who gives it generously!

8 Remembering our grace stories is central for discipling others
Remembering our grace stories is central for discipling others. Our lives are testimonies to the patience, grace, love, and kindness of Jesus before anything else.


10 Be still there is a Healer His love is deeper than the sea His mercy is unfailing His arms a fortress for the weak

11 Let faith arise

12 I lift my hands to believe again You are my refuge You are my strength

13 As I pour out my heart these things I remember You are faithful God forever

14 Be still there is a river The flows from Calvary’s tree A fountain for the thirsty His grace that washes over me

15 Let faith arise

16 I lift my hands to believe again You are my refuge You are my strength

17 As I pour out my heart These things I remember You are faithful God, forever

18 Let faith arise (Let faith arise) Open my eyes (Open my eyes)

19 I life my hands to believe again You are my refuge You are my strength

20 As I pour out my heart These things I remember You are faithful God Forever



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