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What is the Greenhouse Effect?

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Presentation on theme: "What is the Greenhouse Effect?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is the Greenhouse Effect?
Visible light (SHORT WAVE ENERGY) passes through the atmosphere (atm) Page 14

2 What is the Greenhouse Effect?
Earth’s surface absorbs the energy and heats up Page 14

3 What is the Greenhouse Effect?
Earth’s surface reradiates the heat as infrared energy (long wave) Page 14

4 What is the Greenhouse Effect?
Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere absorb the terrestrial radiation and this heats the Earth Page 14

5 What is the Greenhouse Effect?
Visible light is allowed to pass through the atmosphere Surface absorbs the energy Earth’s surface reradiates infrared energy Infrared is absorbed by Greenhouse gases Page 14

6 Why is it called the Greenhouse Effect
Analogy a car during the summer Page 14

7 Life on Earth due to Greenhouse Effect
The Greenhouse Effect is GOOD!! Earth is in the “Goldilocks Planet” – just right – average temperature is 59° F (w/o GE our average temperature would be -3° F) BRRRRRRRR! Mars’ average temperature is -67° F (1/5 of our atmosphere) Venus’ average temperature, due to GE on steroids, is 855° F. Super Sweaty!! Mercury’s temperature 333° F Page 14

8 Water Vapor, Carbon Dioxide, & methane
Greenhouse Gases = Water Vapor, Carbon Dioxide, & methane Page 14 co2 CH4 o3 H2O Earth gives of long waves ( infrared energy)

9 Greenhouse gases absorb the infrared rays and trap the heat causing the overall temperature to increase. (global warming) The Greenhouse Effect

10 What is the Greenhouse Effect?


12 Page 14 GREENHOUSE GASES THE BURNING OF FOSSIL FUELS is increasing the amounts of atmospheric CARBON DIOXIDE, AND METHANE

13 Global Warming Is the increase in Earth’s normal surface temperatures
Page 14 Is the increase in Earth’s normal surface temperatures Caused by anthropogenic activities (human impact) such as: burning of fossil fuels (oil, gas, coal, etc) for energy

14 Global Warming Page 14 The burning of fossils fuels releases Greenhouse gases into the atmosphere such as: CO2, CH4, NOX, etc Results an increase of absorption of infrared radiation, thus warming Earth

15 Global Warming The increasing of the Greenhouse Effect due to anthropogenic activities (human impact) Due to the burning of fossil fuels (oil, gas, coal, etc) Fossils fuels release Greenhouse gases into the atmosphere CO2, CH4, NOX, etc Results an increase of absorption of infrared radiation, thus warming Earth

16 Consequences of Global Warming
Climate Change Rising Sea levels The destruction of ecosystems including endangering plant and animal life Among others

17 Solutions Use Alternative Fuel Sources Conservation Awareness
Spread the Word Save YOUR Earth before its too late!!!!!!

18 El Nino Effect Is a short term event which is caused by Global Warming
Page 14 El Nino Effect Is a short term event which is caused by Global Warming This warming causes water in the Pacific Ocean, off the coast of Indonesia to heat up insert pix, video, etc…

19 El Nino Effect Page 14 Video 4:30 Video 4:30

20 Discussion Questions Page 15 C B A D C A D C


22 Temperature Conversion
Page 12

23 Temperature Conversion
Page 12 Found on Page 13 Of the ESRT

24 Temperature Conversion
Fill in the chart below using your Earth Science Reference Tables. Fahrenheit (°F) Celsius (°C) Kelvin (K) 30 330 -1 272 86 303 135 57 Page 12

25 Describe the word TEMPERATURE in relation to molecular motion.
Temperature Conversion Describe the word TEMPERATURE in relation to molecular motion. Cold Hot

26 At absolute zero, all motion stops. 0K -273°C -459°F
Temperature Conversion What happens to molecular motion at absolute zero? What temperature is this in all temperature scales? At absolute zero, all motion stops. 0K -273°C -459°F

27 What to Study for the Topic 5 Energy Exam?
Note packet Topic 5 Review Book pages Quizzes Think of your lab experiences

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