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Ferguson grand jury continues

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1 Ferguson grand jury continues

2 A grand jury will reconvene Monday to continue weighing evidence in its investigation of the Michael Brown shooting. The highly anticipated decision has set the city of Ferguson, Missouri on edge as many activists prepare to protest. The key question at hand: whether Officer Darren Wilson, who is white, will face charges in the August 9 shooting death of unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown, who was black. The 12-member grand jury is deciding whether Wilson should be charged with any one of several possible crimes, including: first-degree murder. For weeks, it has been said there likely would be a decision by mid-November. But the grand jury still has plenty of time left if it needs it. The deadline to decide is January 7.

3 In Other News The NFL said Sunday that Katy Perry will headline the next Super Bowl halftime show. Super Bowl XLIX is set for February 1 in Glendale, Arizona. A Cleveland police officer responding to a call about a person with a gun fatally wounded a 12-year-old boy brandishing what turned out to be an air gun that looked very much like a real firearm. Police were summoned to the scene outside a recreation center by a 911 caller who said someone -- possibly a juvenile -- was pointing a gun at people. The officers ordered him to stop and to show his hands and he went into his waistband and pulled out the weapon." The weapon turned out to be a large, black BB- or pellet-type replica gun resembling a semiautomatic pistol. An orange tip indicating the gun was an air gun had been removed, police said. At least 45 people were killed and 60 others wounded Sunday when a suicide bomber attacked a crowd watching a volleyball match in Afghanistan. On November 17, researchers from the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) recorded what they say are the first images and video of this rare deep-sea anglerfish in Monterey Canyon, about 1,900 feet below the ocean surface. This particular anglerfish is known as the "Black Seadevil."

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