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Science Fiction An Introduction.

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1 Science Fiction An Introduction

2 Genre Characteristics
It is often set in the future, but it resembles the present world enough to be conceivable. Often assumes knowledge of science or uses scientific terminology. Examines possible technological developments: interplanetary travel, talking computers and robots, artificial or superior intelligence, and powerful weaponry are common themes. It often draws attention to social problems or human imperfections.

3 Genre Characteristics
Science fiction stories are narratives that typically involve fantastical settings, characters, or events However, they are not just entertaining fantasies! Writers of science fiction often use their stories to comment on emerging technologies, contemporary society, or human nature. As you read a science fiction story, consider the technologies, customs, and beliefs that are commonplace, and consider what message the author might be trying to send about technology, society, and human nature by making these elements ordinary in this future world.

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