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Reminders: Unit: Age of Exploration Focus Activity: Homework:

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1 Reminders: Unit: Age of Exploration Focus Activity: Homework:
MYP Unit Question: Why do people explore? What are the consequences? Focus Question: What were the effects of Spanish exploration? Focus Activity: Turn to page 22 Homework: Decoding the Dutch (pg. 22) Thursday, October 11th, 2018 Reminders: Unit Test: Wednesday, 10/17 Socktoberfest/Learning for Legs


3 Colony of New France

4 Causes of French Exploration
Fish and Furs: For trade, to become wealthy

5 Causes of French Exploration
2. Find: A Northwest passage to Asia

6 Causes of French Exploration
Friends: With natives to gain land

7 Giovanni da Verrazano

8 The Verrazano-Narrows Bridge: Connects Staten Island and Brooklyn

9 Jacques Cartier

10 Samuel de Champlain

11 What were the reasons for French exploration?
Exit Card What were the reasons for French exploration?

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