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A Chosen People (1) 1 Peter 2:5-10.

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1 A Chosen People (1) 1 Peter 2:5-10

2 An Important Covenant God chose Abraham
Stage one: Get out of Ur, go to Canaan (Gen. 12:1-4) Stage two: A covenant and promise of a great nation (Gen. 15:1-21) Stage three: The sign of the covenant—circumcision (Gen. 17:1-11)

3 Notice An important distinction
“And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed” (Gen. 12:3) Clearly this is not limited to just Abraham’s descendents Extends to all people Explained in Galatians 3:8 Ultimate fulfillment was in Christ (Gal. 3:14) All have opportunity to be blessed (Gal. 3:26-29)

4 This helps solve an old question
Why did God continue with Israel when they turned from Him so many times? Because God will keep His part of the covenant It was not contingent on Israel’s faithfulness Thus, God persevered because He can do no other (Titus 1:2)

5 The Law Set Israel Apart
In time another covenant was made with the descendents of Abraham (Gal. 3:17) 430 years later It did not replace (annul) the first God would take Israel to Him for a people (Ex. 6:2-8) There is the implication that they were not yet His people Also there is implied that more is to come

6 This covenant was given at Mt. Sinai.
God declared his intentions to Israel (Ex. 19:3-6) Moses declared this to Israel and they agreed to it (Ex. 19:8) Next came the Law and the ordinances (Ex ) Moses wrote it all down and offered sacrifice (Ex. 24:4-6) This was the Book of the Covenant (Ex. 24:7) Israel accepted this before it was read (Ex. 24:4) They accepted it after it was read (Ex. 24:7)

7 The sign of this covenant was keeping the Sabbaths (Ex. 31:12-18)
This is the covenant referred to in Jeremiah 31:31-34 and Hebrews 8:8-12 This is the covenant that separated them from all other nations (Deut. 4:5-14; 7:6-11)

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