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What might be the positives or negatives of these captions?

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Presentation on theme: "What might be the positives or negatives of these captions?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What might be the positives or negatives of these captions?
Lesson Starter:

2 Bolivia – Mapajo Lodge (Indigenous group)
Syllabus Point: Detailed illustrative examples of affirmative action to close the development gap We have already identified examples of Affirmative action (positive discrimination) to close the development gap... Bolivia – Mapajo Lodge (Indigenous group) Colombia – Empowering women (reform in policies) Haiti – TEDex talk (wedavise online course for women to becom educated) Womens Liberation Movement (1950s – 60s) political allignment of women (US and western europe) The Global Movement of Women – modern era women connected through technology and digitization And...Your Nepal CAS trip – helping and support the indigeous population there

3 Syllabus Point/Title For today: The importance of social entrepreneurship approaches for human development: L.O: To know - • the work of microfinance organizations and their networks • alternative trading networks such as “Fairtrade” • TNC corporate social responsibility frameworks and global agreements

4 Task 1: The work of microfinance organizations and their networks
Microfinance schemes aim to reduce povert, address social issues, include gender discrimination, and enable access market for the poor... Microfinance schemes often focus on the rural people and women in LICs and developing countries The members who lend the money are often local and part of the community, and so the community lends money to its members. This makes repayment more likely Negatives – high interst rates, some use money for food rather than business, not all people are entrepeneurs and so money is mismanaged, loans used to pay off other loans Explain what might be the negatives of the women’s microfinance scheme to the left...

5 Task 3: alternative trading networks such as “Fairtrade”
What is Fairtrade? Trade that attempts to be socially, economically and environmenatll responsible.. Make notes on the video case study example on the schemes and impacts of Fair Trade Footballs...

6 Task 4: TNC corporate social responsibility frameworks and global agreements
Corporate Social Responsibilty (CSR) refers to teh attempst of companies to assess the social, economic, and environmental impacts of their activities, and take action and reduce these impacts if necessary... Research the CSR Framework of MacDonalds and comment on its objectives and the pros and cons of its system...

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