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19/05/2011 Supporting staff and learners who are experiencing mental health difficulties Chris Brill, Equality Challenge Unit Perspectives on mainstreaming.

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Presentation on theme: "19/05/2011 Supporting staff and learners who are experiencing mental health difficulties Chris Brill, Equality Challenge Unit Perspectives on mainstreaming."— Presentation transcript:

1 19/05/2011 Supporting staff and learners who are experiencing mental health difficulties Chris Brill, Equality Challenge Unit Perspectives on mainstreaming equality: sharing practical approaches 4 June 2014 A large number of staff and learners within colleges have experienced mental health difficulties, although few have accessed and received support. Responding to issues identified in the recent ECU survey of college staff and learners experiencing mental health difficulties, this workshop will share approaches to communicating and providing support within and outside the college sector. As well as sharing identified practice, there will be opportunity for delegates to discuss any challenges and recommendations arising from approaches underway in their own colleges.

2 19/05/2011 Statistics “1 in 4 people in the UK will experience a mental health problem each year.” Source: MIND “1 in 73 learners in Scottish colleges have disclosed a mental health difficulty” Source: ECU ‘Equality in colleges in Scotland: Statistical report 2013’

3 Outline of session Receiving support and adjustments
19/05/2011 Outline of session Receiving support and adjustments Accessing support and adjustments Awareness of support and adjustments

4 Survey Explore issues around support and disclosure Students Staff
19/05/2011 Survey Explore issues around support and disclosure Students Responses from 12 colleges, 11 FE subjects, 11 HE subjects 97 respondents who declared they had experienced MHD Staff Responses from 12 colleges, 15 role types (majority teaching) 157 respondents who declared they had experienced MHD

5 Receiving support and adjustments
“The adjustments that were made have been invaluable, without this support I don’t know where I would be ...The positive effects of the support and adjustments that I have received have been an improvement in attendance, timekeeping, increased productivity and better work relationships with my colleagues.” Staff respondent

6 Receiving support and adjustments
19/05/2011 Receiving support and adjustments Just over 1 in 3 learners had received support and adjustments Adjustments to coursework or assessment deadlines, adjustments to exam process, counselling services 85% said support or adjustments positive or very positive Less than 1 in 3 staff had received support and adjustments Change in work tasks/pattern, regular meetings, referral to counselling 95% said support or adjustments positive or very positive

7 Receiving support and adjustments
“Although the support I did receive was extremely helpful, I did feel a little like I wasn't understood or how the problem I was dealing with was affecting me at work. I think a lot of unseen illnesses can be dismissed and thought of as exaggeration... I feel support should be proactive and would be more economical in the long term.” Staff respondent

8 Receiving support and adjustments
19/05/2011 Receiving support and adjustments What ‘re-active’ support and adjustments does your college provide? What ‘pro-active’ support and adjustments does your college provide?

9 Accessing support and adjustments
“My line manager does everything in her power to support staff and has been very understanding and supportive during my time dealing with mental health issues. I have had information, help and support during my time off and in my return to work.” Staff respondent

10 Accessing support and adjustments
19/05/2011 Accessing support and adjustments Less than 1 in 3 learners disclosed on their application form Why did? - To receive support, Why not! Why didn’t? - Affect success of application, not a disability, receive unfair treatment Just over 1 in 3 learners disclosed during enrolment to the college Why did? – To receive support, Why not! Why didn’t? - Not a disability, receive unfair treatment

11 Accessing support and adjustments
19/05/2011 Accessing support and adjustments Just under 2 in 5 learners had spoken to someone about receiving support or adjustments Learning support staff, personal or guidance tutors, student service staff, counselling service, fellow students Just under 1 in 3 respondents had spoken to someone about receiving support or adjustments Line managers and HR, then Occupational Health and colleagues

12 Accessing support and adjustments
19/05/2011 Accessing support and adjustments “Like me, not everyone wants help from a counsellor but the way student's own tutors/lecturers react to information on ones mental health can mean a lot to the sufferer. Sometimes someone just needs to understand and cut us some slack” Learner respondent

13 Accessing support and adjustments
“I just think staff need to be aware that there has been a serious rise in mental health problems in teenagers/young adults and a lot of this is caused by or related to the amount of work and pressure given to them by schools and colleges. Unnecessarily high stress worsens mental health issues like depression and anxiety, and in the long run makes students suffering from these feel even worse and less likely to be confident or motivated in their studies because they feel inadequate and not good enough. People with these kinds of mental health difficulties are far less likely to talk openly about them and suffer in silence and they should feel comfortable speaking to their lecturers about them if it will help them in their studies.” Learner respondent

14 Accessing support and adjustments
19/05/2011 Accessing support and adjustments How do staff and learners access support and adjustments in your college? What does your college do to encourage staff and learners to disclose a mental health difficulty?

15 19/05/2011 Awareness of support Less than 1 in 4 learners knew about support and adjustments before they started their studies Less than 1 in 20 staff knew about support and adjustments before they started employment Provide information online Handbook from individual departments Information Leaflets Opportunity to meet with support staff prior to course starting Prospectus Enrolment pack Letter Recommendations to improve awareness of support and adjustments: Induction events Offer information of the help available on the college website, posters/flyers around college campus. Group meetings so students can see they are not alone Frequent s to all students letting them know what help is available if they need it Course leader should be able to refer and support student because they are closer to student rather than the student support. Ensure that all lecturers are aware of the need to encourage students to access support if they need it Use staff intranet Induction programme Posters Information sessions Interview stage Leaflet in pay packets Mission statements on website Application documentation/ recruitment materials Buddying schemes “I think Colleges, indeed all places of work, should introduce buddying schemes between staff members so that new staff can feel intregated more easily into their job. It would also give them a person that they feel they can go and speak to regarding any difficulties they are having.” Training Include examples of staff support and adjustments

16 Awareness of support “Being able to say on the application and interview stages that I had mental health difficulties was very good, they also then said that someone would contact me to discuss this and I was contacted. Being able to meet the support worker before I started my course and get to know them was very important, I was also able to be involved with the worker in producing a health support plan about my mental health difficulties; this went to my course leader about how my mh difficulties effect m(e) in and out of college. My support worker with my consent communicates with my care manager and this is very helpful and also keeps me safe when I am unwell.” Learner respondent

17 19/05/2011 Awareness of support What does your college do to ensure all staff and learners are aware of the support and adjustments it provides?

18 ECU contact details 7th Floor Queens House 55/56 Lincoln's Inn Fields
London WC2A 3LJ Tel: Fax:

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