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C r e a t ing m e m o r ie s Arranging for/taking photographs*

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1 C r e a t ing m e m o r ie s Arranging for/taking photographs*
Midwifery activities Information-giving Arranging for/taking photographs* Cutting a lock of hair* Taking a footprint* Giving a cot card Parental activities Naming baby Seeing baby Holding baby Caring for baby: bathing – dressing Taking photographs Other activities Writing in a book of remembrance Service/funeralجنازة burialدفن/cremation Tree planting حرق الجثة Writing a letter and/or poem

2 Midwife encourage the mother to make contact with her baby, drawing on her understanding of its beneficial effect on grief . baby should have a post mortem examination. consent for the post mortem. In some situations, such as early miscarriage, a funeral is inappropriate.

3 The mother The mother may start to make sense of her loss by talking about it. The problem of her finding a listener was identified that senior hospital staff appear too busy, and other staff insufficiently experienced, Family members, who might listen, have their own difficulties to face, making them less receptive to the mother's needs

4 Midwives should be able to help the mother to retain some degree of control.
giving her accurate information support group, such as the Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society (SANDS)is helpful.

5 the 6-week follow-up to check the woman's physical recovery
Discuss the couple's emotional recovery from their loss the post mortem results (if relevant) any questions plans for the future. Follow up by suitable environment adequate time

6 The family: it also need support
The father men tend to show their grief differently from women Men's coping mechanisms also involve less healthy grieving strategies, including returning early to work and using potentially harmful substances such as nicotine or alcohol. the parental relationship is likely to change following perinatal loss. Whether the couple find their relationship strengthened or threatened.

7 Other family members grandparents The effects of perinatal loss on a sibling may be problematic because child's understanding of the event . midwives often assume that family are best at supporting a grieving mother

8 some midwives are prepared to cry alongside the mother
others feel that crying is ‘unprofessional’ and would not be comfortable shedding even a few tears. Record-keeping and documentation more significant. communication is vital in ensuring consistent care

9 The cremation or burialحرق الجثة أو دفنها
whether the baby was born before or aher 24 weeks' gestation whether the baby was born alive or not according to where the baby was born. If the baby was pre-viable, there is no legal requirement for the baby to be buried or cremated.

10 The mother's choices the mother needs appropriate information to decide about the funeral and post mortem. The death of a mother as maternal death. Palliative care applied to the care of the childbearing woman with or dying from an incurable condition

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