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Tuck Everlasting Anticipation Guide

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Presentation on theme: "Tuck Everlasting Anticipation Guide"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tuck Everlasting Anticipation Guide
Anticipatory Guide: Helps to get you thinking about the topic and activates all of that knowledge you have stored up in your brain! Before Reading: Read the statements and decide whether you agree or disagree with them. Under each statement explain whether you agree or disagree with each statement and explain your reasoning/thinking.

2 1. Nothing can ever change who we really are; we always follow a set of beliefs that were formed early in life.

3 2. We are driven by loyalty to those things/people we care for the most.

4 3. We never really “grow up”, but rather we stay essentially the same throughout our lives.

5 4. I am willing to risk anything for those I love.

6 5. Your looks determine how you feel more than any accomplishment.

7 6. Pride can really hurt you if you let it.

8 7. People are always searching for hope more than anything else.

9 8. Without dreams, we have nothing to live for.

10 9. We are a product of our environment more than our genetics.

11 10. We should try to control our own destiny rather than wait for something else to control it.

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