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C Preprocessing File I/O

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1 C Preprocessing File I/O

2 C Preprocessor Modifies C code "to save typing" Define constants
Define macros Include files Other parameters (time of compilation...)

3 Preprocessor constants
Define a symbolic constant like so #define PI Better version #define PI ( ) Use the symbolic constant circle_length = 2 * PI * radius ;

4 Preprocessor constants (2)
Check if constant defined ( #ifdef ) #define VERBOSE . . . #ifdef VERBOSE printf("I am extremely glad to see you !\n"); #else printf("Hi !\n"); #endif

5 Preprocessor Macros Parameterized Macros:
Similar to function calls. Symbolic parameters ! #define SQUARE( x ) x * x Better version: #define SQUARE( x ) ((x) * (x)) Usage:What will be the output for each version? int x x = SQUARE ( );  (1+2+3*1+2+3) =??? printf( " x = %d \n", x ); is x=11?, or is it, x=36? How do you fix it to generate 36?  ((1+2+3) * (1+2+3))

6 Including files Used to include header files
Can be used to include any file Beware of including header files twice #include "MyFileName.c"

7 Header files Usually define function prototypes, user defined types and global variables. Avoid including twice int x; /* included from myHeader.h */ Standard header file header #ifndef MyHeaderFile_H #define MyHeaderFile_H /* header file contents goes here */ #endif

8 See this Example /* example.c */ #include <stdio.h>
#define ONE 1 main(){ if(ONE != 1) return 0; printf("The answer is %d.\n", myfunc(2,6) ); } myfunc( int a, int b) { int i = ONE, j = ONE; for( ; i <= b; ++i) j = j * a; return j; See this Example

9 File Input / Output

10 What is a File A file is a collection of related data
"C" treats files as a series of bytes Basic library routines for file I/O #include <stdio.h>

11 Basics About Files Files must be opened and closed
#include <stdio.h> . . . FILE * myFile; myFile = fopen ("C:\\data\\myfile.txt", "r"); // Name, Mode (r: read) if ( myFile == NULL ){ // (w: write) /* Could not open the file */ ... } fclose ( myFile ); Note: status = fclose(file-variable) status = 0 if file closed successfully- Error otherwise.

12 End-line Character Teletype Model 33 (long time ago...) used 2 characters at the end of line. RETURN character LINE FEED character Computer age UNIX: LINE FEED at the end of line: "\n" MS-DOS/Windows: both characters: "\n\r" Apple: RETURN at the end of line: "\r"

13 File Types Text (ASCII) files Binary files Special (device) files
stdin - standard input (open for reading) stdout - standard output (open for writing) stderr - standard error (open for writing)

14 Operations with Files Writing (w) Reading (r) fopen() revisited
sequential random appending (a) Reading (r) sequential random fopen() revisited FILE *fOut; fOut = fopen("c:\\data\\log.txt", "w" );

15 Useful File I/O Functions
fopen(), fclose() open/close files fprintf ( myFile, "format...", ...) -- formatted I/O fscanf ( myFile, "format...", ...) fgets(), fputs() for line I/O fgetc(), fputc() for character I/O feof() -- end of file detection, when reading

16 Binary and Random I/O Binary I/O Positioning for random I/O
readSize = fread(dataPtr, 1, size, myFile); //size of data read, if < size then encountered an error. writeSize = fwrite(dataPtr, 1, size, myFile); Positioning for random I/O fseek(myFile, 0, SEEK_SET); fseek(myFile, 10, SEEK_CUR); fseek(myFile, 0, SEEK_END);

17 Buffered v.s. Unbuffered I/O
//no immediate write to file, instead buffer data and then flush after program finished Buffered I/O may improve performance Buffered I/O is with f...() functions fopen(), fwrite() Unbuffered I/O open(), write()

18 Example: En/De-Crypter
int main ( int argc, char * argv[] ) { FILE *in, *out; in = fopen ( argv[1], "rb"); out = fopen ( argv[2], "wb"); if ( ! in | | ! out ){ printf( "Error opening files ! \n" ); return -1; } while( ! feof ( in ) ){ ch = fgetc ( in ); fputc ( (ch ^ 0xFF) , out ); //UTF-16 vs UTF-8 (Unicode Byte Order mark) } //Unicode Transformation Format return 0;

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