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Presentation on theme: "MyBass."— Presentation transcript:

1 MyBass

2 Team MyBass Capotă Horia Caracaleanu Robert Paşca Simina
Coordinator: prof. Monica Gradinescu National High School of Computer Science “Tudor Vianu”, Bucharest, Romania

3 MyBase - project Greenwear

4 Introduction The clothing store "GreenWear" needs a database in order to have the best organization. The innovation that this shop brings is the existence of a recycling centre in each and every one of them. The clients can bring old clothes that they do not need anymore because of any sort of reason, and they get discounts for it...and the discounts can get bigger as the amount of clothes is bigger.

5 Moreover, each customer benefits of free information about the importance of ecological clothing and nevertheless about the emission of CO2 that affects our planet more and more each day, provided from flyers (which are available inside of the shop) or straight from the person in charge of the recycling process. For more information about this innovative idea, we have interviewed the director of the company and we found out more about this program

6 Interviews After the first interview with our customer, we came to the conclusion that the best solution is keeping in the database essential information about the providers, the products, the stores, the employees. Also, information about transportation, distribution and salaries will be kept. Being an ecological store, Greenwear will need to keep track of the CO2 emissions. These statistics will be send by each provider.

7 After the interview we had with a corner-person from ‘Terranova Magheru’, we found out, generally speaking, what are the conditions to purchase products for a clothing store. Therefore, we found out what are the basic necessities for a data base, such as details about transport, distributor, providers etc.

8 Although Terranova is not involved in ecological activities, the employee was kind enough to redirect us to a volunteer of Greenpeace Romania, form whom we have obtained information about the statistics of CO2 emissions, in relation with the production of ecological clothes. Thus, we were able to come up with the most suitable solution for our clients, as represented in the Entity Relationship Diagram:

9 The Entity Relationship Diagram

10 Business rules There were some rules that could not be introduced in the ERD. We call them business rules, and you and us both, will have to cater for them. Thus, there are 5 business rules regarding the database:

11 There are statistics for every provider about the CO2 emission (the value kept is the average value). 2. The quantity of products bought will be greater when the value of the CO2 emission will be smaller. 3. The firm purchases all of it’s products from Romania.

12 4. All of the transports from a certain date and from a certain location will be treated as one transport. 5. The salary may vary for employees who have worked at the company for a longer period of time therefore it’s necessary to introduce the hire date of every employee.

13 Also, we need to enounce 3 business rules regarding the stores itself.
1. The company has many stores spread through Romania. 2. Each store sells each type of clothes. 3. Each store has a recycling center. Customers can bring old clothes to this center, and they will have a discount for the products they will buy.

14 Conclusions With the help of the database we have created, access to data and other types of information is faster. The shop’s organization and function looks highly improved. There is always an evidence of each essential aspect of this clothing store and the information can be easily updated. This database makes it easier for the employees as well as for the director of the company to have a clear overview on the store management and also on the possible problems that can occur at any time.

15 Thank you!

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