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Urban Statistics: the next two years

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1 Urban Statistics: the next two years
By Berthold Feldmann

2 AIM OF THIS TALK: Clarify the possible alternatives and prepare common decisions

3 Working Party on Urban Statistics - December 1999
Overview of the talk Aim: Satisfy various needs Major task: co-ordination Thorough evaluation Urban Audit USD and remote sensing 5/12/1999 Working Party on Urban Statistics - December 1999

4 Working Party on Urban Statistics - December 1999
Satisfy various needs Collect and disseminate relevant statistics Raise awareness of the need for data on urban agglomerations Satisfy the needs of the Commission Get feed back from users (cities, politicians, researchers) 5/12/1999 Working Party on Urban Statistics - December 1999

5 Working Party on Urban Statistics - December 1999
Co-ordination Various statistics producers National Statistical Offices Regional statistical agencies city data producers research institutes private data providers 5/12/1999 Working Party on Urban Statistics - December 1999

6 Working Party on Urban Statistics - December 1999
Co-ordination Various users Commission national government agencies regional decision makers researchers the media 5/12/1999 Working Party on Urban Statistics - December 1999

7 CO-ORDINATION Cities DG REGIO Eurostat National Statistical Offices
Consultants Cities DG REGIO National Statistical Offices Regional Statistical Offices Eurostat Alternative statistical agency

8 Working Party on Urban Statistics - December 1999
Evaluation Continuation of projects can only be justified if the benefit exceeds the costs Otherwise alterations of projects possible some projects may be stopped if there is no visible benefit 5/12/1999 Working Party on Urban Statistics - December 1999

9 Follow-up of Urban Audit
DG REGIO decides A core set of indicators could be collected by Eurostat (with major input from NSOs) London and Paris should be included as soon as possible Cities in CEEC should also be included 5/12/1999 Working Party on Urban Statistics - December 1999

10 Follow-up of other projects
Should be continued only after a thorough cost/benefit analysis urban statistics database remote sensing 5/12/1999 Working Party on Urban Statistics - December 1999

11 Working Party on Urban Statistics - December 1999
Conclusion Several promising approaches are possible Co-operation with National Statistical Offices is essential The interest already expressed so far in the Urban Audit justifies continuation The form of this continuation needs to be discussed 5/12/1999 Working Party on Urban Statistics - December 1999

12 Thanks for your attention Any questions ??

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