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Regulations Governing the Conduct of Open Seasons for Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Projects Federal Energy Regulatory Commission February 9, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Regulations Governing the Conduct of Open Seasons for Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Projects Federal Energy Regulatory Commission February 9, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regulations Governing the Conduct of Open Seasons for Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Projects Federal Energy Regulatory Commission February 9, 2005 Agenda Item C - 1

2 FERC 2 Alaska Natural Gas Pipeline ( primary mainline to lower-48 )

3 FERC 3 Open season regulations to be issued in 120 days Regulations must cover procedures for the allocation of capacity and criteria for and timing of any open seasons Alaska Natural Gas Pipeline Act Open Season Provisions

4 FERC 4 Regulations must promote competition in the exploration, development, and production of Alaskan natural gas Expansion open seasons must provide the opportunity for the transportation of natural gas other than from the Prudhoe Bay and Point Thomson Units Alaska Natural Gas Pipeline Act Open Season Provisions

5 FERC 5 The open season regulations apply to any initial or voluntary expansion capacity on any Alaskan natural gas transportation project Alaska Natural Gas Pipeline Act Open Season Provisions

6 FERC 6 10/13/04 – Alaska Natural Gas Pipeline Act 11/15/04 – Commission issues NOPR 12/3/04 – Public technical conference in Anchorage, Alaska. by 2/10/05 – Commission issues final rule Open Season Rulemaking Schedule

7 FERC 7 Open Season Process in NOPR Detailed project information given to the public 30 days before open season Open season held for at least 90 additional days Capacity awarded without undue discrimination or preference of any kind

8 FERC 8 Changes to NOPR (as a result of public comments) Recognition of Alaskan in-state needs –In-state capacity, delivery points and transportation rates based on in-state study –Separate bidding on specified in-state capacity

9 FERC 9 Changes to NOPR (as a result of public comments) Prevention of Undue Discrimination or Preference –Standards of Conduct of Order 2004 APPLY –Prospective applicant must create or designate an independent unit or division for open season –Alaska natural gas production affiliates identified –Information made available to any potential shipper must be made available to all potential shippers

10 FERC 10 Changes to NOPR (as a result of public comments) Capacity Allocation –Pre-subscriptions (anchor shippers) are allowed only for initial capacity –Pre-subscription agreements must be made public within 10 days and all other bidders have choice of best pre-subscription terms –Pre-subscription capacity will be subject to pro-rata reductions

11 FERC 11 Changes to NOPR (as a result of public comments) Capacity Allocation (cont) –Qualified bids made after the open season to be considered –Results of the open season to be made public within 10 days –Copies of all accepted precedent agreements filed with the Commission within 20 days

12 FERC 12 Changes to NOPR (as a result of public comments) Pre-filing, Project Design & Expansions –Prospective applicants pre-filing of its open season proposals –The Commission will consider how project design considers the capacity needs of initial and future shippers

13 FERC 13 Policy Considerations Balance encouragement of project construction with fair and open competition Rebuttable presumption for rolled-in rate treatment of costs of expansions Balance appropriate oversight with letting market forces work

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