IMO - TMD Workshop on the Anti-fouling Systems Convention (AFSC)

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Presentation on theme: "IMO - TMD Workshop on the Anti-fouling Systems Convention (AFSC)"— Presentation transcript:

1 IMO - TMD Workshop on the Anti-fouling Systems Convention (AFSC)
Tawanna Hotel Bangkok, Thailand June 2009 09/04/2019 Thailand 2009

2 Who are we Edward Kleverlaan Tiang Bing Huang and
Marine Environment Division International Maritime Organization 09/04/2019 Thailand 2009

3 Our responsibilities at IMO
Anti-fouling Systems Convention Ballast Water Management Convention London Convention/Protocol Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas MARPOL – Special Areas/Marine Debris Technical Co-operation Activities 09/04/2019 Thailand 2009

4 Objectives of the Workshop
Increase awareness and understanding of the AFSC Provide advice on the ratification and implementation of the AFS Convention Identify next steps and needs for further technical co-operation, if needed Promote prevention of marine pollution and environmental management Identify and address issues of national or regional concern 09/04/2019 Thailand 2009

5 PROGRAMME Day One Introduction to IMO – what is it and how does it work Country Presentation The International Regulatory Framework – intro and overview Ratifying the AFSC 09/04/2019 Thailand 2009

6 PROGRAMME Day Two The Guidelines Ratifying the AFSC
Guidance on Anti-fouling Wastes Next steps – map out road to ratification Close out session - certificates 09/04/2019 Thailand 2009

7 PROGRAMME Day Three Site Visit to Harbour/shipyards Laem Chabang Port
Unitahi Shipayrd and Engineering Co. Ltd Laem Chabang Port Tower – area observation Early finish - midday 09/04/2019 Thailand 2009

8 Materials AFS Convention Text
Draft Guidelines on handling and disposal of TBT based anti-fouling systems Presentations Other handouts – legislation examples All on DVD/CD 09/04/2019 Thailand 2009

9 The Challenge Work with the knowledge and experience offered
This is your Workshop, so make full use of it!! The Challenge: Work with the knowledge/experience offered by the people and organizations attending This is your Workshop, so make full use of it. 09/04/2019 Thailand 2009

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