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Vocabulary Words World Literature

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1 Vocabulary Words World Literature
Week 4

2 Virulent Doctors are advising the public to get inoculated against a virulent strain of the bird flu.

3 Virulent Definition: adj.—extremely poisonous, infectious, or damaging to organisms Synonym: infectious, contagious, lethal Antonym: weak

4 Deft The crowd was amazed at the deft way the running back avoided the defense and effortlessly ran for a touchdown.

5 Deft Definition: adj.—moving or acting in a quick, smooth, and skillful way Synonym: nimble, adept, dexterous Antonym: clumsy

6 Ominous The dark clouds on the horizon were an ominous sign of a severe thunderstorm.

7 Ominous Definition: adj.—suggesting or indicating that something bad is going to happen or be revealed, unfavorable Synonym: threatening, warning, gloomy, portentous Antonym: promising, favorable

8 Rampant Some experts want to use goats to curb the rampant spread of Kudzu.

9 Rampant Definition: adj.—growing without check, running wild
Synonym: uncontrolled, unrestrained, unchecked Antonym: contained

10 Venal The new Chief of Police vows to investigate charges of a corrupt and venal police department.

11 Venal Definition: adj.—open to or marked by bribery
Synonym: corrupt, amoral, bribable Antonym: honest

12 Encumber Do not encumber yourself by waiting to write your essay the night before it is due.

13 Encumber Definition: v.—to hinder, to weigh down, to burden Synonym: impede, hamper, inconvenience Antonym: unburden, relieve

14 Atrocious Most people considers the Holocaust to be one of the most atrocious events in world history.

15 Atrocious Definition: adj.—exceedingly bad, wicked Synonym: terrible, cruel, evil, awful Antonym: wonderful

16 Lament Elmer was lamenting his poor study habits as he looked at the low grade on his test.

17 Lament Definition: v.—to regret, to express sorrow or mourning over
Synonym: cry, weep, grieve Antonym: celebrate

18 Aesthetic The new painting gave the room a greater aesthetic appeal.

19 Aesthetic Definition: adj.—artistic, having to do with art or beauty Synonym: pleasing, attractive Antonym: ugly, unattractive

20 Prolific With over fifty published novels, Stephen King is considered to be a very prolific author.

21 Prolific Definition: adj.—producing ideas or works frequently and in large quantities Synonym: productive, fruitful, creative Antonym: unproductive, idle

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