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Water Issues Committee February 13, 2019

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1 Water Issues Committee February 13, 2019
Update on Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM) Program in Orange County Water Issues Committee February 13, 2019

2 Introduction to IRWM IRWM Program created by state to implement regional programs & distribute IRWM bond funds Managed by CA Department of Water Resources (DWR)

3 State Grant Programs Bonds (voter approved)
State agency administers grants Bonds (voter approved) Projects funded

4 State Grant Programs, cont.
State agency administers grants Bonds (voter approved) Regions Funding Areas IRWM PROGRAM Projects funded

5 Funding Areas – defined in bond
Regions Funding Areas – defined in bond Projects Funded

6 Formation of Regions Regions Funding Area
Projects Funded Stakeholders collaborate and prepare IRWM Plan (includes process to select projects for funding) Application to DWR by ‘Regional Acceptance Process’ (RAP) DWR approves or disapproves If approved, Region eligible for grants

San Diego Region San Diego Funding Area Projects Funded Santa Ana Region Administered by SAWPA – OWOW Program Santa Ana Funding Area Projects Funded South OC Region Administered by County of Orange Santa Margarita Region Projects Funded Projects Funded

8 Santa Ana Funding Area and Region – One and the Same

9 OWOW Implementation: OC concerns
Orange County stakeholders goals and priorities not well reflected in OWOW Distribution of prior grant funding

10 OWOW Implementation: OC concerns, cont.
Board directed staff to pursue two parallel approaches: Option 1: begin process to create a new region for north Orange County Option 2: continue working within OWOW

11 Option 1: New Region for North OC
Extensive collaboration with County of Orange, OCWD, OCSD and other OC stakeholders Updated IRWM Plan (The OC Plan) with governing body, Regional Water Management Group (RWMG) RWMG formed by MOU with County, OCWD, & OCSD County submitted application to DWR to form new IRWM Region in North OC (in 2018)

12 Option 2: Continue working within OWOW
Initial proposal to SAWPA for OWOW modifications: Incorporate The OC Plan as a separate chapter within the OWOW Plan Allow for Orange County projects to be ranked and prioritized for IRWM funding through The OC Plan process Allocation of 38% of total available grant funds (based on land area and population)

13 Option 1 – New Region for North OC
Pros Projects selected for grant funding based on OC priorities Cons OC projects could receive little to no funding DWR selects projects Competing with upper watershed portion of SAWPA Upper watershed portion of SAWPA Projects ranked by OWOW process & portfolio submitted by SAWPA to DWR New Region for North OC Projects ranked by OC process & portfolio submitted by OC to DWR DWR selects projects for funding

14 Option 2 – Continue in Modified OWOW
Projects ranked by OC Plan & portfolio submitted to DWR through SAWPA DWR approves portfolio OC stakeholders choose portfolio of projects for grant funding OC receives a guaranteed amount of funds based on agreement with SAWPA

15 Status of Current Discussions with SAWPA
Agreed that OC projects funded based on OC rankings Use project rankings in The OC Plan Discussing approach of 1/3 of Prop 1 IRWM grant funds for Orange County

16 Recommendation (revised)
Agendize for February 20 Board meeting: - Direct staff to prepare Memorandum of Understanding with SAWPA, OCWD, County of Orange and OCSD that defines (1) incorporation of OC Plan into SAWPA OWOW Program, (2) selection process for OC Projects to receive funding, (3) allocation of 1/3 of Prop 1 IRWM funds to Orange County

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