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Agenda- 11/16 Review graphing question Current Events

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1 Agenda- 11/16 Review graphing question Current Events
Finish yesterday’s lecture Lecture Ch Labor Ch. 8.1 Labor WS

2 Chapter 8 Section 1: The Labor

3 I. Introduction A. macroeconomics B. civilian labor force
1. The part of economics that deals with the economy as a whole B. civilian labor force 1. Civilian men and women from 16 to 65 years old either working or actively looking for a job Failure to Launch

4 II. Unions and the Labor Force
(read, don’t write) A. labor unions are important 1.They have played a significant role in American’s history, and they were responsible for much of the legislation that affects current pay levels and working conditions 2. Still have a substantial presence in a number of vital industries 3. Represent nearly 18.6 million workers

5 III. Civil War to the 1930s A. During and after the Civil War, attitudes towards unions began to change B. Types of Unions 1. Craft or Trade Unions a. an association of skilled workers who perform the same kind of work 2. Industrial Union a. an association of all workers in a given industry, regardless of the job each person performs See Chart on p. 198

6 IV. Union Activities 1. strike 2. picket 3. boycott
refuse to work until certain demands were met 2. picket parade in front of the employer’s business carrying signs about the dispute 3. boycott a mass refusal to buy products from targeted employers or companies Simpson Union Strike Song

7 V. Employers Resistance
1. lockout a refusal to let the employees work until management demands were met 2. company unions unions organized, supported, or run by employers

8 VI. AFL-CIO The American Federation of Labor (AFL) began in 1886 as a craft union. The Committee for Industrial Organization (CIO) began in 1935 as an industrial union. Both merged in 1955 and became the AFL-CIO.

9 VII. Resolving Differences
Fact-Finding-Third parties gather information and offer recommendations which are non-binding.. Mediation–The process of bringing in a neutral third person to help (negotiate) a settlement. Arbitration–The process where both parties will accept the third party’s decision. The agreement is final (binding) on both labor and management. Note! (read, don’t write) Usually arbitration is avoided because the parties lose control of the negotiations. Strike Settlement!

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