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Evolution and the Bible

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1 Evolution and the Bible
What Is Science? Science = gnosis Gnosis (gnwsis) = Knowledge Science Definition Today A branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths systematically arranged and showing the operation of general laws.

2 Evolution and the Bible
Qualifications for a Scientific Theory Observable Demonstratable Capable of Falsification Can you set up an experiment for your theory so that if the experiment fails it would prove your theory wrong? *** If a scientific theory has no exceptions, it becomes a Scientific Law

3 Evolution and the Bible
Development of a Scientific Theory Observation: Place soap in water Hypothesis: “Soap floats” Demonstration: Place another bar of soap in water Refined Hypothesis: “Ivory soap floats” Demonstration: Place soap in another liquid Refined Hypothesis: “Ivory soap floats in water”

4 Evolution and the Bible
Demonstration: Place soap in different “types” of water in different locations Theory: “Ivory soap floats in water on the earth” Falsification: Use liquid ivory soap Refined Theory: “A bar of Ivory soap floats in water on the earth” Many additional demonstrations… Scientific Law is established

5 Evolution and the Bible
Are Creation and Evolution Scientific Theories? Neither is observable Neither can be demonstrated Neither is capable of falsification Both are scientific models only

6 Evolution and the Bible
What is Evolution? Definition All living things have arisen by a naturalistic, mechanistic, evolutionary process from a single source, which itself arose by a similar process from a dead, inanimate world. Microevolution vs. Macroevolution Microevolution = Increasing variety Macroevolution = Increasing complexity

7 Evolution and the Bible

8 Evolution and the Bible

9 Evolution and the Bible
What is Creation? Definition All living things were brought into existence by acts of God using supernatural processes. Is There a Third Model? No

10 Evolution and the Bible
The Evolution Model In the beginning there existed a primordial atom (cosmic egg) Where did matter come from? First Law of Thermodynamics Second Law of Thermodynamics Assume that matter existed Newton’s First Law of Motion Newton’s Third Law of Motion

11 Evolution and the Bible
15,000,000,000 years ago (15 bya) the cosmic egg exploded Do explosions produce order?

12 Evolution and the Bible
4.7 bya the earth formed in a molten state 3.0 bya life evolved in the primitive oceans

13 Evolution and the Bible
The Evolutionary Tree

14 Evolution and the Bible
Contradictions Between Evolution and the Bible Genesis 1:1-3 – The earth was created before light Genesis 1:2 – The earth was created with a cool surface covered by water Genesis 1:11, 20 – Life was created first on land

15 Evolution and the Bible
Genesis 1:14ff – The earth was created before the sun and the stars Genesis 1:20-24 – Birds were created before land animals Genesis 1 (various) – Life reproduces only after its own kind Genesis 2:7 – Man was created from dust Genesis 2:21-22 – Woman was formed out of man

16 Evolution and the Bible
Conclusion The Bible and Evolution cannot be harmonized! There is no primordial atom mentioned in Genesis But there is an historical Adam mentioned!

17 Evolution and the Bible

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