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Do Now Can you think of an example of alliances today?

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now Can you think of an example of alliances today?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now Can you think of an example of alliances today?
Do you think alliances are worthwhile? Why or why not?


3 M.A.I.N. Causes of WWI

4 Militarism Country glorifies their military and spends A LOT of money on it. Belief you need a powerful army to be great! WAR is a good thing!

5 Alliances When two or more parties enter a mutually beneficial agreement. Mistrust between countries led to many military alliances. Designed to keep peace through fear of war with multiple nations.

6 Triple Alliance Triple Entente Germany Austria-Hungary Italy Britain
France Russia

7 Imperialism Competition for colonies and resources creates tension in Europe. The Balkans - “powder keg of Europe” because of a long history of nationalist uprisings and ethnic clashes. Strong sense of Nationalism

8 How do you get a WORLD war?

9 Nationalism The belief that people should be loyal to their country above all other things. Extreme pride in your country.

10 MAIN leads to a Powder Keg
A ”Powder Keg” means that there there was a ton of tension brewing……..What does a Powder keg need to explode?

11 The SPARK that causes a huge explosion
June 28, 1914 Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife are shot to death by a terrorist group who wanted to end Austrian rule of Bosnia

12 The Great War Begins Triple Alliance becomes the “Central Powers” as Bulgaria and Ottoman Empire join Triple Entente becomes the ”Allies” and Italy joins Millions of men marched “Happily” off to war thinking it would be over quickly.

13 Schlieffen Plan Germany strategy to quickly end the War Phase 1:
Go through Belgium and the Netherlands to attack and quickly defeat France Phase 2: Attack Russia and defeat them

14 3:50 video on failure of the SP

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