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Key Stage 1 SATs Information Evening Thursday 7th February 2019

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1 Key Stage 1 SATs Information Evening Thursday 7th February 2019

2 SATs are used to inform the teacher judgement.
What are SATs? Standardised Assessment Test Year 2 children complete these tests in the month of May Attainment of all children in this age group can be monitored to inform the next steps in their learning SATs are used to inform the teacher judgement.

3 Which areas will the children be tested on?
2 Reading Papers Arithmetic Reasoning and Problem Solving Children will not sit the optional grammar and spelling tests.

4 Test Timetable for May 2018 The 2019 Key Stage 1 statutory tests will take place Through out the month of May

5 Reading Test There are 2 papers to complete.
Paper 1: Combined reading prompt and answer booklet Consists of a combined reading and question booklet. Paper 2: Separate reading booklet and answer booklet This test consists of a reading booklet and separate question booklet

6 Paper 1 Example Types of answer will include: Retrieving information from the text and write this in sentences or copy

7 Paper 1 Example Other types of answer will include: Retrieving information from the text and Ticking the correct answer

8 Paper 2 example of reading booklet

9 Paper 2 example of answer booklet Types of answers:
The children are given page numbers to locate the information needed to answer the questions. They will be expected to answer in sentences

10 Paper 2 example of answer booklet Types of answers: Also Multiple choice and the children will ne need to tick one answer.

11 Maths Tests There are 2 papers to complete. Paper 1: Arithmetic
This test consists of one paper No equipment is allowed If a child requests it, a question may be read to them however we can only read the numbers and not the mathematical symbol. Paper 2: Reasoning Equipment may consist only of rulers and/or mirrors If a child requests it, we may read words and numbers the numbers but not the mathematical symbol.

12 Paper 1 – Arithmetic example

13 Paper 1 – Arithmetic example

14 Paper 1 – Arithmetic example

15 Paper 1 – Arithmetic example

16 Paper 2 – Reasoning example

17 Paper 2 – Reasoning example

18 Paper 2 – Reasoning example

19 How we support your child in school:
Reading comprehension activities Uplift Maths and review sheets Target maths, mental maths and times tables practice Reasoning and problem solving activities Regular phonics and spelling sessions Practice tests and practice questions Maths and reading homework Mental maths tests

20 Play an active role in lessons Ask for help if they don’t understand
Things we are trying to encourage the children to do are: Continue good homework routines Play an active role in lessons Ask for help if they don’t understand Be aware of targets. Challenge themselves. Try their best. Gain a perception of time

21 How you can support your child at home:
Continue to support with homework. Read regularly and ask questions about what the children have read and what they think might happen next in the text. CGP Booster Packs – ordered through school Daily Reading – exploration of comprehension; ensuring the child has understood what they have read Support with learning on time and money skills.

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