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Chapter 4 Introduction to MySQL.

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1 Chapter 4 Introduction to MySQL

2 MySQL “the world’s most popular open-source database application”
“commonly used with PHP”

3 Relational Database On, you have a database db_spring19_username (ex. db_spring19_frank) Collection of tables look like Excel spreadsheets

4 Relational DB Concepts: Tables
Each table represents a class of objects = a set of objects of the same type / kind E.g. customers, orders Table Customers in the db for Book-O-Rama store (running example): A table has: A name – Customers Structure = a number of columns – customerid, name, address, city Rows – currently, data about 3 customers in this table

5 bookorama.sql Tables customers orders books order_items book_reviews

6 MySQL Data Types CHAR(50) – fixed length character field
TEXT – string with maximum length 65,535 characters INT – integer TINYINT – 1 byte integer (signed , unsigned )

7 MySQL Data Types FLOAT(6,2) - floating point – 6 digits, 2 decimal places DATE – YYYY-MM-DD TIMESTAMP – YYYYMMDDHHMMSS (when UPDATE or INSERT is performed) DOUBLE(10,2) – larger floating point – 10 digits, 2 decimal places

8 MySQL Data Types DECIMAL(7,2) – for accurate dollars and cents calculations ENUM(‘M’,’F’) – enumeration of values

9 COLUMN PROPERTIES UNSIGNED- positive numbers and zero NOT NULL
NULL = no value Must have a value PRIMARY KEY Unique Social Security Number ISBN

1, 2, 3, 4, … - assign each record an id

11 MySQL Client mysql.exe mysql –h – u username –p

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