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Triage and Acuity Scale

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1 Triage and Acuity Scale
Status Asthmaticus IV ß2 agonist Magnesium IV Aminophylline Helium oxygen therapy Emergency room Respiratory support*: O2 / NIV (Bilevel) Monitoring, Fluids (careful atention K+ levels) Inhaled B2 agonist intermittent or continuous and Ipratropium Corticosteroids ev Triage and Acuity Scale Respiratory support*: O2, inhaled ß2 agonist +/- Ipratropium Corticosteroids, Magnesium If no response to appropriate therapy or admission criteria* UCIP 1st Step 2nd Step *Pulmonary score (PS) > 7, oxygen saturation < 91% and FiO2 ≥ 0.6, silent chest, increase respiratory effort, altered level of consciousness, central cyanosis Consider mechanical ventilation: (avoided if at all possible): cardiopulmonary arrest, severe hypoxia or rapid deterioration in mental state Protocol on approach to children with status asthmaticus

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