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Make it a Great Day! Friday, April 14th 2017

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Presentation on theme: "Make it a Great Day! Friday, April 14th 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 Make it a Great Day! Friday, April 14th 2017
Warm-up: Please take out your study guide (finished or not), a pencil, and a blank sheet of notebook paper? Place all other items under your seat, including textbooks. Thanks!

2 Make it a Great Day! Friday, April 14th 2017
Agenda: Attendance & Warm-up previewing the essential question Review study guide Unit Test over SW Asia – Unit 7 When done: Please turn in your answer document and writing to Mr. Hart. Everything else goes on the back table in the correct stack. You may listen to music quietly while you preview the next unit – South Asia in both textbooks or sit quietly until everybody is done. Cool-Down responding to the essential question Essential Question: What are the significant physical and human geographic features of SW Asia? SSWG 3 Materials you will need: Geography Notebook & writing utensil SW Asia Study Guide

3 Make it a Great Day! Friday, April 14th 2017
Cool Down: On a scale of 1-10, 10 being the most, how satisfied are you with your score on your test over SW Asia? What can you do to improve your score over the next unit – South Asia? Be specific and realistic.

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