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Lindsey Williams Email: Bullying Lindsey Williams Email:

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1 Lindsey Williams Email:
Bullying Lindsey Williams

2 What is Bullying? Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Both kids who are bullied and who bully others may have serious, lasting problems. Bullying behaviors are more likely to happen more than once than not to happen but only once. Includes actions such as making threats, Spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally, and excluding someone purposefully from a group.

3 Physical bullying Cyber Bullying Relational Bullying Verbal Bullying
Types of Bullying Physical bullying Cyber Bullying Relational Bullying Verbal Bullying

4 Physical Bullying Definition: Hurting a person’s body or possessions
Example characteristics Hitting Kicking Punching Spitting Taking/breaking someone’s belongings Making mean or hurtful hand gestures Tripping and pushing

5 Cyber Bullying Definition: Bullying that places using electronic technology Example Characteristics Mean text messages Hurtful s Rumors posted on social media Embarrassing pictures, videos, or fake profiles

6 Relational Bullying Definition: hurting someone’s reputation or relationships Example Characteristics Embarrassing someone in public Leaving someone out on purpose Spreading rumors about someone Encouraging others not to be friends with someone specific

7 Verbal Bullying Definition: saying or writing mean things
Example Characteristics Teasing Name-Calling Inappropriate sexual comments Taunting Threatening to cause harm

8 What is the Teacher’s Role?
Intervene immediately, It is ok to get another adult to help. Separate the kids involved. Make sure everyone is safe. Meet any immediate medical or mental health needs. Stay calm. Reassure the kids involved, including bystanders. Model respectful behavior when you intervene.

9 Major Facts about Bullying
Example Behaviors of Victim Victim Depression/Anxiety Withdrawal from environment Suicidal Thoughts Poor academic progress Skip school Does not do work Poor health Sick constantly

10 Major Facts about bullying
Example Characteristics of the Bully Bully Increase in risk: consuming drugs and alcohol Perform poorly: in school have a poor school environment perspective More likely to get in trouble with the law

11 How do we know that Bullying is really happening?

12 Positive Encouragement

13 References

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