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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy!

2 Cold War Popular Culture World War I World War II 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500

3 What country was a satellite
Nation? What is Hungary? Return Row 1, Col 1

4 Means of communication That reach large audiences
What is Mass Media? Return 1,2

5 A devotion to the interests And culture of one’s nation and
Was one of the causes of World war I What is nationalism? Return 1,3

6 Establishing fixed allotments Of goods deemed essential
For the military What is rationing? Return 1,4

7 What is containment ? Taking measures to prevent any
extension of communist rule to other countries What is containment ? Return 2,1

8 This music inspired the birth Of rock and roll
What is African American Music? 2,2 Return

9 Consisted of France, Britain, and
Russia What is the Allies? Return 2,3

10 June 6, 1944, known as the first Day of allied invasion What is D-Day?
Return 2,4

11 This country wanted to gain Access to raw materials and
Markets for its industries What is United States? Return 3,1

12 Government agency that Regulates and licenses
Television, telegraph, radio, and Other communication industries What is the Federal Communication Commission? Return 3,2

13 This act required men to register With the government in order
To be randomly selected for Military serivce What is the Selective Service Act? Return 3,3

14 This powerful new weapon finally Ends the war and avoided
An invasion of Japan What is the Atomic Bomb? Return 3,4

15 Leader of communist china
What is Mao Zedong? Return 4,1

16 This movement expressed the Social and literary
Nonconformity of artists, poets, And writers What is the beat movement? Return 4,2

17 Used to popularize the war
What is propaganda? Return 4,3

18 The site of the first bomb dropping
What is Hiroshima? Return 4,4

19 Exploded the first H-Bomb
What is United States? Return 5,1

20 An extreme population growth
From the 1940s to 1960s What is the baby boom,? Return 5,2

21 Woodrow Wilson’s plan for World peace
What is fourteen points? Return 5,3

22 This bill provided education and Training for veterans, paid for
By the federal government What is the GI Bill of Rights? Return 5,4

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