Midterm Review I. Multiple Choice: Reading Passages testing various elements of literature II. Literary Analysis (Text Specific) III. Thematic Analysis.

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1 Midterm Review I. Multiple Choice: Reading Passages testing various elements of literature II. Literary Analysis (Text Specific) III. Thematic Analysis Essay

2 Tuesday 1.15 Read “We Grow Accustomed to the Dark”
Answer the text dependent questions

3 “We Grow Accustomed to the Dark”
Re-read the poem and annotate, making notes about Dickinson’s use of capitalization. Jot the answers to the following in the margins of the paper: 1. What patterns do you notice about the author’s use of capitalization? 2.Does her use of capitalization help you understand the poem? Why/not? 3. Re-read your answer to the multiple choice question 2. What is your strongest argument for choosing the answer you did?

4 Theme… Complete Question 4 on the handout. Discuss the following:
1.What is the common assumption about darkness? 2.What does Dickinson suggest about darkness and possibility? 3.Compare/Contrast the ideas concerning “darkness” and possibility as found in Hamlet and Grendel.

5 Theme… Does the potential Dickinson suggest is latent in darkness help explain why Grendel may feel joy when he senses the nearness of his death? (“Is it joy I feel?”) What is the relationship in Grendel between the unknown and the possibility of hope? What about in Hamlet?

6 Essay: Big Ideas Read Ai Weiwei's editorial "The Question We Must Keep Asking" and answer the following questions: 1. What does Ai Weiwei mean when he says that we conceive ourselves to be two things? 2. What is the central idea of this piece?

7 Midterm Exam Essays Here is the list of texts to discuss:
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks Watchmen Beowulf Grendel Hamlet Depending on the prompt, you will be required to include at least two of the literary works from this list.

8 Example of Prompt #1 In a thesis controlled essay, compare/contrast the general world view of the following periods: Anglo-Saxon, Renaissance, and Modern. Use the literary works studied this semester to provide examples for your essay. You must include at least two literary works. Do Now: Brainstorm for 10 minutes- list examples, jot down ideas and create a working thesis statement

9 Prompt #2 Discuss the ideas of Good and Evil as reflected by the literature we have studied this Semester. You are required to discuss at least two texts from the list. Brainstorm, create a working thesis

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