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Unit 1, Set 1 Vocabulary Review

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1 Unit 1, Set 1 Vocabulary Review

2 SECONDARY SOURCE information about an event in history that was created after the event occurred

3 ECONOMIC IMPACT the effect of an activity on the commerce, finances, employment, property and way of life of a community and its citizens.

4 I’ll be there in a moment’s notice, if they need me!
MINUTEMEN American colonial militia members ready to fight at a moment’s notice I’ll be there in a moment’s notice, if they need me!

5 Political Impact the effect that a gov’t policy and its practices have on a business, community or a citizen’s way of life.

6 SOCIAL IMPACT the effect of an activity on a community and the well-being of a citizen’s way of life.

7 REPEAL To do away with; to cancel

8 NAVIGATION ACTS A series of laws passed by Parliament to ensure that only England benefited from trade with the colonies. 13 colonies England Navigation Acts

9 PROTEST The act of making a strong public expression of disapproval toward something

10 TREATY An agreement between countries

11 PATRIOT LOYALIST American colonists who fought for independence
American colonists who sided with Britain in the Revolution

12 MERCANTILISM A theory that a state’s or nation’s power depends on its wealth; to gain wealth/power a country must export more than it imports.

13 PROPAGANDA Bias information of a misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a specific cause or point of view.

14 MILITIA a group of citizens trained to fight

15 Massacre Deliberately and violently kill a MASSIVE number of people

16 PARLIAMENT The legislative (representative) body of Great Britain.

An organization that used meetings, letters and pamphlets to spread political ideas through the colonies.

18 REDCOATS British soldiers who fought against colonists in the American Revolution

19 BOYCOTT To refuse to buy certain goods or use certain services as a form of protest

20 WRITS OF ASSISTANCE Legal document that enabled officers to search homes and warehouses for smuggled goods.

21 Sons and Daughters of Liberty
secret societies formed to fight taxation by the British government

22 ALBANY PLAN OF UNION Proposal by B. Franklin to create a representative body for the colonies to discuss defense and other issues.

23 EFFIGY A rag figure representing an unpopular individual

24 PROCLAMATION a public or official announcement of great importance.

25 ACT A law

26 LIBERTY freedom

27 PRIMARY SOURCE information created, written, or recorded by people who were actually there or directly involved in an event.

28 ALLIANCE a close association of nations or other groups, formed to advance common interests or causes

29 ENLIGHTENMENT The Age of Reason; spread the idea that reason and logic could improve society.

30 REVENUE incoming money

31 REPRESENTATION having a group of people chosen to act and speak on behalf of others.

32 COLONY an area under the political control of another country, and occupied by settlers from that country

33 GREAT AWAKENING A religious movement that swept through the colonies affecting social and political life.

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