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Eating Disorders A Growing Problem.

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Presentation on theme: "Eating Disorders A Growing Problem."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eating Disorders A Growing Problem

2 Striving for Perfection???
Reality VS Fantasy

3 t The Mona Lisa vs Today

4 Anorexia Nervosa: An obsessive desire to be thin which leads people to starve themselves.



7 "I remember being 3 years old in a diaper and rubbing my hand over my stomach and I remember thinking in my head, 'I wonder if one day this will ever be flat.'" She also entered treatment for bulimia, cutting and depression in 2010. She also recalled being deeply hurt by kids who labeled her fat. "It played more of a toll on me than if I was physically abused in school," said Lovato. "I've always said I wished that they had just hit me in the face and gotten it over with because what they said to me sticks to me to this day and it turned me into the person I am today." Lovato was recently named spokesperson for Mean Stinks, an anti-bullying campaign run by Secret deodorant.

8 Bulimia: Eating foods which is then followed by self-induced vomiting or use (abuse) of laxatives

9 Binge and Purge: Eating a large amount of food in a short period of time and then regurgitating it. Obesity: Excessive amount of body fat due to overeating % above ideal body weight.


11 Body Image: The way an individual perceives his or her physical appearance.
Self- Esteem: A feeling of confidence and respect for oneself.

12 People with eating disorders usually are not happy with their body image and have low self esteem. It is a mental/emotional problem. Often an anorexic or bulimic person still perceives themselves as overweight even though they are not.




16 Anorexia: How the media affects it…

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