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FY 08 Department of Technology Budget Proposal January 27, 2007

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1 FY 08 Department of Technology Budget Proposal January 27, 2007

2 Department of Technology
Overview of Need: Replace equipment as needed (goal is 5 yr rotation - reality is 7 yr Install a fiber network to provide needed bandwidth between schools April 6, 2019

3 Department of Technology
How was budget formed? Met with school administrators and technology personnel Looked at parity across District Prioritized need for increased speed and decreased requests for equipment April 6, 2019

4 Department of Technology
Network needs Last year – failed bid for Fiber network - used interim VPN solution, moved servers and installed new firewalls - Central Office response time decreased - Other buildings increased Bottom line: response time issues are currently a problem and leave no room for growth or expansion of services April 6, 2019

5 Department of Technology
Fiber Network Bid again – have qualified responder Fiber will be 1000% faster on upload and 125% faster on download – need this for , online grade books, management of servers, in-house remote backup of data, monitoring of network devices Cost for this major increase is almost the same as an increase of 100% (which would not leave room for growth – VoIP, etc.) No other viable solution in our area W/O fiber we will not be able to replace telephones with VoIP (in future) Continue use of new firewall – excellent product April 6, 2019

6 Department of Technology
Computer Supplies Per pupil allocation increased this year from $7.43 to $ FY07 schools did not have enough in their supply budget. Total FY $37901. Total FY $34,339. Central office decreased by $6,460 April 6, 2019

7 Department of Technology
Administrative Technology (staff laptops) $67,458 in FY07 $53,200 in FY08 Staff laptops replacing 6 and 7 year old laptops. Increasingly buying tablets! April 6, 2019

8 Department of Technology
Professional Development for Technology FY07 $5,000 FY08 $8,300 April 6, 2019

9 Department of Technology
Computer Hardware (equipment for student use) FY07 $142,626 FY08 $193,100 Large initiative to place fixed projectors in HS – use of tablets by teachers has dramatically increased demand from teachers! April 6, 2019

10 Department of Technology
Software and Licensing FY07 $56,282 FY08 $50,200 Includes ConnectEd, UnitedStreaming, WebCalendar, Parent/Teacher Conf Scheduler, AtomicLearning, DiscoveryHealth, and more April 6, 2019

11 Department of Technology
District Telephone FY07 $108,000 FY08 $111,620 April 6, 2019

12 Department of Technology
Conclusion We end our first 3year lease – which was big ($150K) and get new $90K lease to cover replacement equipment Add a lease for the NRC of the fiber network – off set by ERATE reimbursement first year Yearly cost of network will increase from $73,920 to $155,820 for fiber network April 6, 2019

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