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The ELK stack - get to know logs

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Presentation on theme: "The ELK stack - get to know logs"— Presentation transcript:

1 The ELK stack - get to know logs
Igor Rudyk DevOps / System Integrator

2 Agenda Introduction. What is ELK, and why do we need it? The ELK stack
Logstash ElasticSearch Kibana Architecture Demo

3 Can you check the errors from yesterday between 9:09 and 9:27

4 So what’s a log

5 Log = timestamp + data

6 Real Real Lifecycle of a log
Transmit Analyze Record Store Delete

7 Default problem Tools? Multiple log time formats
Apr 28 20:21:59 [27/Apr/2015:07:05: ] :27:32 Mon, 27-Apr-15 06:27:02 UTC :07: Starts not with timestamp or without timestamp Error messages with really unhelpful info No rotation No scaling Tools? grep awk / sed / cut less / tail vi / vim regular expression ...

8 Logging Solutions Solutions Collections Transport Parsing Storage
Analysis Alerting Visualizer Commercial Logstash Logstash shipper or logstash-forwarder (Lumberjack) RPM installation Logstash shipper or logstash-forwarder (Lumberjack, encrypted transport is the default) Output plugins Central server-master with a hot-standby in case of failure Codecs plugins Grok debugger ElasticSearch, MongoDB, AWS S3 and much more Kibana, graylog2 Riemann NO fluentd Input plugins Install from source or via gem Load-balance between multiple hosts or have a master with a hot-standby in case of failure Plugins Doesn’t provide any storage tier itself but allows you to easily configure where your logs should be collected splunk Splunk Universal Forwarder SSL security Splunk YES Graylog2 ElasticSearch loggly Hosted

9 What is ELK, and why do we need it?
ELK is a stack of programs that help dealing with logs. Includes: Aggregation of logs Search capabilities Aggregation of statistics Visualizations

10 Logstash Filters Outputs Unstructured Documents

11 Inputs Logs: Lumberjack - resilient, compressed, secure (logstash-forwarder) Remote syslog Files Devices: Event log, Collectd Netflow, WMI Event Queue: Redis, RabbitMQ Kafka, ZeroMQ Streaming APIs: Twitter (IMAP) Amazon S3, ganglia, sqs, varnishlog, etc Full list

12 Filters Why Do I like Logstash?
grep date json grok Full list Why Do I like Logstash? It uses Grok filter for parsing standard and non standard logs: Log Line: 27/10/14 07:39:28 [localhost-startStop-1] [] INFO com.vidmind.config.LoggingPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer - streams.limit.general = 0 Pattern: %{DATESTAMP} %{SYSLOG5424SD} ?? %{WORD:ErrorLevel} %{JAVACLASS}

13 Outputs Storage: ElasticSearch MongoDB Event Queue: S3 Redis, RabbitMQ
Graphite File ... Notification: Zabbix Nagios Riemann PagerDuty Event Queue: Redis, RabbitMQ Kafka, ZeroMQ tcp/udp SaaS: AWS CloudWatch Hipchat Jira Full list

14 Logstash - Forwarder (Shipper) Configuration file
{ "network": { "servers": [[logstash_indexers]] "timeout": 15, "ssl ca": "logstash-forwarder.crt" }, "files": [ "paths": [ "/usr/share/tomcat7/logs/*.json.log" ], "fields": { "type": "tomcat", "server_name": "[[logstash_hostname]]", "system": "[[system]]", "server_type" : "[[server_type]]" } "/usr/share/tomcat7/logs/*.activities.log" "fields": { "type": "activities", "server_name": "[[logstash_hostname]]", "system": "[[system]]", "server_type" : "[[server_type]]" } } ]

15 Logstash-Indexer Configuration file
input { lumberjack { codec => json{} port => 5000 type => "logs" ssl_certificate => "/etc/pki/tls/certs/logstash-forwarder.crt" ssl_key => "/etc/pki/tls/private/logstash-forwarder.key" } output { elasticsearch { host => " " protocol => "http" cluster => "[[elasticsearch_cluster_name]]" manage_template => false index => "logstash-%{system}-%{type}-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}" }

16 ElasticSearch Configuration file (yaml-based configuration) [[elasticsearch_cluster_name]] "[[node_name]]" node.master: false / true false / true index.number_of_replicas: 1 #Security false [[elasticsearch_servers]] action.disable_close_all_indices: true action.disable_delete_all_indices: true action.disable_shutdown: true script.disable_dynamic: true

17 The ELK stack General Architecture
Logstash ElasticSearch Kibana

18 The ELK stack Our Scaled Architecture
Logstash-Indexer ElasticSearch Kibana Logstash-Forwarder Logstash-Indexer ElasticSearch Kibana Logstash-Indexer ElasticSearch Kibana


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