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Powerpoint Jeopardy Vocabulary Science/Tech

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Presentation on theme: "Powerpoint Jeopardy Vocabulary Science/Tech"— Presentation transcript:

1 Powerpoint Jeopardy 10 20 30 40 50 Vocabulary Science/Tech
Hammurabi’s Code Religion Geography 10 20 30 40 50

2 What are six main parts of a civilization?
Government, Religion, Economics/Education, Agriculture/Artisans, Technology, Social Classes Category

3 What is the definition for irrigation?
To bring water to the land where it is needed through a system of canals (ditches) Category

4 What is a famine? A period of time with little food (starvation)

5 What is the connect for monotheism?
Abraham (founder of Judaism) taught the people of the Fertile Crescent about one God

6 What is the definition for primary source?
A first-hand account; something that was created at that time in history (when it actually happened)

7 What is the name of the writing used in the Fertile Crescent?

8 What invention let the Fertile Crescent
people travel longer distances with more goods to trade? The wheel

9 The Assyrians were famous for their powerful what?

10 In order to control the floods that would
occur in the region, Mesopotamians invented ______________. levees

11 The people of the Fertile Crescent studied
the __________ to help predict the seasons, make a calendar, and sail at night. stars

12 What was Hammurabi’s Code
A set of laws

13 Why was Hammurabi’s Code important?
It was written and posted; it united the people under one set of laws

14 What would the punishment by if you poked the eye out of someone
who was the same class as you? You would get your eye poked out too

15 Hammurabi’s Code punishments were based on your __________?
Social class

16 What would the punishment be if you poked the eye out of
someone in a lower class than you? You would pay a fine

17 What three religions started in the Fertile Crescent?
Judaism, Islam, Christianity

18 What is the definition of monotheism?
Belief in one God

19 Before Abraham, most people in the Fertile Crescent believed in
many gods. What word means belief in many gods? polytheism

20 What is the holy book in Islam?

21 What is the holy book in Judaism?

22 What are the two rivers in the Fertile Crescent?
Tigris and Euphrates

23 What does Mesopotamia mean?
Land between rivers

24 Why did the people fight over the land in the Fertile Crescent?
It was fertile

25 What was the land like away from the water?

26 What sea does the Fertile Crescent border on the west?
Mediterranean Sea

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