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Major Battles in the War

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Presentation on theme: "Major Battles in the War"— Presentation transcript:

1 Major Battles in the War

2 Lexington and Concord British 1st victory Colonist 2nd victory Lit the fuse that sparked the Revolutionary War. British soldiers captured guns and ammunition, but sharpshooters drove them back.

3 Bunker Hill On June 6, 1775 the battle of Bunker hill took place across from the Boston Harbor. It made the British realize that defeating the colonies would not be so easy. The British won this war

4 Long Island In 1776 the British won the battle of Long Island.
This battle was important because it showed that the colonies were brave and strong and they wouldn’t give up without a fight.

5 Trenton & Princeton In 1776 George Washington and his men captured Trenton & Princeton while the British were holed up for the winter. It is important because it discouraged the British

6 Saratoga In 1777 the Colonists

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