Effect of thyroid hormone concentration on the transcriptional response underlying induced metamorphosis in the Mexican axolotl (Ambystoma) Robert B. Page1,

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Presentation on theme: "Effect of thyroid hormone concentration on the transcriptional response underlying induced metamorphosis in the Mexican axolotl (Ambystoma) Robert B. Page1,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Effect of thyroid hormone concentration on the transcriptional response underlying induced metamorphosis in the Mexican axolotl (Ambystoma) Robert B. Page1, S. Randal Voss1, Amy K. Samuels1, Jeramiah J. Smith1, Srikrishna Putta1, and Christopher K. Beachy2* 1Department of Biology and Spinal Cord and Brain Injury Research Center, University of Kentucky; and 2Department of Biology and Amphibian Growth Project, Minot State University

2 Comparisons of standard metamorphic gene expression and morphology profile with endocrine-disrupted profile in salamander Ambystoma mavortium (tigrinum) Ambystoma mexicanum metamorphosis Paedomorphosis (= metamorphic failure) + 5 nM TH metamorphosis

3 Basically….. skin liver brain tail Collect mRNA cDNA microarray
Grow salamanders in experimental design skin liver brain tail Collect mRNA cDNA microarray

4 cDNA T


6 28 days after immersion in 5 nM TH
epithelial membrane protein 1

7 DESIGN CONTROL T4 IMMERSION T4 IMMERSION no TH 5 nM TH 50 nM TH 0 days 2 days 12 days 28 days

8 15 DAYS POST- EXPOSURE control 50 nM TH 5 nM TH

9 ANALYSIS PART I: UNIVARIATE ANALYSIS A series (4844) of one-factor ANOVAs comparing expression level among treatment groups (I.e., 0, 5, and 50 nM TH) Linear and quadratic regression analyses Used to identify genes for multivariate analysis

10 Volcano Plot representing univariate analyses
4844 to 802 loci for consideration (= DEGs) P = 0.05 2X up or down expression relative to controls

ANALYSIS PART II: MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS Principal Components Analysis Bioinformatic comparison to other microarray databases: metamorphosis in Xenopus




15 day 28 day 12 day 2 day 0

16 day 12 day 28 day 2 day 0

17 day 28 day 12 day 28 day 12 day 2 day 2 day 0

18 A phylogeny of model craniates that have a genome project
mouse human chick Xenopus axolotl zebrafish Mammalia Amniota Lissamphibia Tetrapoda Osteichthyes A phylogeny of model craniates that have a genome project WHY SALAMANDER? --phylogenetic place --natural history --experimental possibilities and husbandry

19 Bioinformatic Comparison with Xenopus
TH-skin (this study, 2008, BMC Genomics 9:78) TH-intestine (Buccholz et al., 2007, Dev. Biol. 303: ) 802 DEGs 1997 DEGs n = 111 EXPRESSION PATTERN % of genes Common DEGs

20 To view microarray database, visit
Finishing up -TH dose influence timing of onset -Sets of transcription responses -Diversity in expression To view microarray database, visit -

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