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Warm-Up – 11/11 – 10 minutes Utilizing your notes and past knowledge answer the following questions: Identify the four sectors of Berlin. Identify which.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-Up – 11/11 – 10 minutes Utilizing your notes and past knowledge answer the following questions: Identify the four sectors of Berlin. Identify which."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-Up – 11/11 – 10 minutes Utilizing your notes and past knowledge answer the following questions: Identify the four sectors of Berlin. Identify which side of Germany was controlled by the Soviet Union (East or West) . What was the reason that the Soviet Union blocked all supplies to Berlin? Describe air power’s role in keeping Berlin from becoming part of East Germany. How long was the Berlin blockade?

2 Questions / Comments

3 Warm-Up – 11/11 – 10 minutes Utilizing your notes and past knowledge answer the following questions: Identify the four sectors of Berlin. Identify which side of Germany was controlled by the Soviet Union (East or West) . What was the reason that the Soviet Union blocked all supplies to Berlin? Describe air power’s role in keeping Berlin from becoming part of East Germany. How long was the Berlin blockade?

4 The “Cold War” Heats Up The Berlin Airlift
At the end of WWII, Berlin was divided into four sectors: U.S. Britain France Soviet Union

5 Warm-Up – 11/11 – 10 minutes Utilizing your notes and past knowledge answer the following questions: Identify the four sectors of Berlin. Identify which side of Germany was controlled by the Soviet Union (East or West) . What was the reason that the Soviet Union blocked all supplies to Berlin? Describe air power’s role in keeping Berlin from becoming part of East Germany. How long was the Berlin blockade?

6 The “Cold War” Heats Up The Berlin Airlift
Germany was divided into two parts: West Germany Controlled by U.S. Britain, and France East Germany Controlled by the Soviet Union

7 Warm-Up – 11/11 – 10 minutes Utilizing your notes and past knowledge answer the following questions: Identify the four sectors of Berlin. Identify which side of Germany was controlled by the Soviet Union (East or West) . What was the reason that the Soviet Union blocked all supplies to Berlin? Describe air power’s role in keeping Berlin from becoming part of East Germany. How long was the Berlin blockade?

8 The “Cold War” Heats Up The Berlin Airlift
Soviet Union blocked supplies going into Berlin Soviets wanted to take control of Berlin. The Allies answer to the blockade was the Berlin Airlift

9 Warm-Up – 11/11 – 10 minutes Utilizing your notes and past knowledge answer the following questions: Identify the four sectors of Berlin. Identify which side of Germany was controlled by the Soviet Union (East or West) . What was the reason that the Soviet Union blocked all supplies to Berlin? Describe air power’s role in keeping Berlin from becoming part of East Germany. How long was the Berlin blockade?

10 The “Cold War” Heats Up The Berlin Airlift
Airlift grew to 12,940 tons delivered by 1,398 flights in one day The airlift went on for a year before Russia realized she couldn’t blockade Berlin. So the blockade was lifted. The airlift was a success.

11 Warm-Up – 11/11 – 10 minutes Utilizing your notes and past knowledge answer the following questions: Identify the four sectors of Berlin. Identify which side of Germany was controlled by the Soviet Union (East or West) . What was the reason that the Soviet Union blocked all supplies to Berlin? Describe air power’s role in keeping Berlin from becoming part of East Germany. How long was the Berlin blockade?

12 The “Cold War” Heats Up The Berlin Airlift
Airlift grew to 12,940 tons delivered by 1,398 flights in one day The airlift went on for a year before Russia realized she couldn’t blockade Berlin. So the blockade was lifted. The airlift was a success.

13 Questions / Comments

1935 — Orville Anderson and Albert Stevens in “Explorer II” establish altitude record for balloons of 72,395 feet in the United States.

1944 — Iwo Jima is bombarded by the United States Navy.

1956 — The first flight of the world's first supersonic bomber, the Convair B-58 “Hustler.”

17 Questions / Comments

18 November 2016 Chap 5 Quiz FLIGHTLINE 6 7 Chapter 5
SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 6 7 Chapter 5 Military Developments Separate Air Force Wartime Advances 8 NO SCHOOL 9 Jet Propulsion “Vengeance Weapons” Helicopters 10 Berlin Airlift 11 Chap 5 Quiz FLIGHTLINE 12 13 14 Korean War Lessons Learned 15 Commercial Aviation General Aviation 16 Aviation R & D 17 18 Vietnam War Phase 1 and 2 19 20 21 Phase 3 and 4 22 Chap 5 TEST 23 24 THANKSGIVING 25 26 27 28 Chapter 6 Advances in Aeronautics 29 30 Chap 6 TEST 1 2 3

19 Chapter 5 – Aviation: From the Cold War to Desert Storm
Quiz Review

20 Chapter 5 – Aviation: From the Cold War to Desert Storm

21 Questions / Comments

22 Model Building Judging Rubic
Clean Assembly limited seams, plastic spurs, glue application Details paint, glue, guidelines Painting smooth finish, realistic Decals/Moving Parts smooth application, moveable Overall Appearance / Presentation authenticity, realism, attention to detail Prizes awarded for 1st, 2nd, 3rd each class


24 Safety Rules – Safety Monitor Brief
Must Use Safety Glasses Use of Cutting tools is Dangerous – AT ALL TIMES – knives only out when cutting Must Use Cutting Mats All Areas will remain clean and organized Plane Captains will insure All Areas will be cleaned and all items put back in proper locations 10 minutes prior to class ending Class safety monitor will insure areas are clean and safe at all times


26 Questions / Comments

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