Words of the Day Career Prep. 10/10-10/14.

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Presentation on theme: "Words of the Day Career Prep. 10/10-10/14."— Presentation transcript:

1 Words of the Day Career Prep. 10/10-10/14

2 Mediation (n) Sample Sentence: Many judges insist that people who are suing each other try mediation before they go to court. A process used to solve a difference or dispute.

3 Sample Sentence: The cross country team was ecstatic when all of their runners made it to state.
Ecstatic (adj) Definition: overjoyed, thrilled, delighted

4 Sample Sentence: Observant students will notice that the bells are designed to eliminate tardiness…and detentions. Observant (adj) Definition: alert, conscientious, careful .

5 Sample Sentence: The loquacious young man worked well in groups; he could easily speak to even the shyest group-members. Loquacious (adj) Definition: talkative .

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