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Some Additional Notes about GOAP

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1 Some Additional Notes about GOAP
H. Muñoz-Avila

2 FSM vs Planning FSM: Planning Operators A resulting plan:
Patrol Preconditions: No Monster Effects: patrolled Fight Monster in sight Patrol Fight Monster In Sight No Monster FSM: A resulting plan: Patrol patrolled Fight No Monster Monster in sight Neither is more powerful than the other one

3 But Planning Gives More Flexibility
“Separates implementation from data” --- Orkin inference knowledge Many potential plans: Patrol Fight Planning Operators Patrol Preconditions: No Monster Effects: patrolled Fight Monster in sight If conditions in the state change making the current plan unfeasible: replan!

4 Issues: Efficiency (I)
Evaluating preconditions: Current state represented in a table for rapid access Monster in sight Treasure in sight …. …. × (fast AI planners like TALPlan also answers with constant complexity the question if a given atom is satisfied in the current state)

5 Issues: Efficiency (II)
Search: They use A* to guide the search Operators are prioritize according to domain knowledge …. (fast AI planners like FastForward also use heuristics to guide search)

6 But What About the Sussman Anomaly?
Principle: Given some goals, achieving one of them will make it impossible to achieve the other ones A B C Initial State: Goal: Classical example in Blocks world: Any domain-specific strategy in Blocks world that will avoid the problem?

7 But… Does it Work in Practice?
FEAR not!

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