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Fighting World War II.

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1 Fighting World War II

2 Allies vs. Axis Great Britain- Churchill Germany- Hitler
US FDR USSR- Stalin Free France- de Gaulle Germany- Hitler Italy- Mussolini Japan- Tojo Vichy France- Petain

3 World War II Begins September 1st, 1939- Germany invades Poland
Germans used blitzkrieg tactic “Lightning War” Element of surprise Air force dropped bombs Armored tanks (panzers) moved across the border Infantry sent tons of soldiers in motorized vehicles Britain and France declared war on Germany two days later but they were too slow USSR helps Germany and together they take control of Poland by October

4 Atlantic Theater US and other Allied leaders meet and decide to focus on Atlantic Theater then focus on Pacific This means that they will first attack Germany and Italy then attack Japan

5 Eastern Front Invasion of USSR Stalingrad
Germany breaks Nonaggression Pact in June 1941 USSR declares war on Germany Stalin starts a Scorched Earth strategy Stalingrad Germany comes within miles of capturing the city Winter sets in and Germans have no supplies 60,000 Germans surrender with lots of casualties on both sides

6 Western Front Fall of France June 21st, 1940
Germany marches through Belgium and takes over Paris French government leaves Hitler only takes over half of France Vichy France Puppet government Nazi controlled

7 Western Front Battle of Britain
Air battle to gain control over the English Channel Luftwaffe (German Air force) Vs. Royal Air Force (British Air force) Blitz hits London hard as the Germans bomb the cities and citizens

8 Western Front Allied troops (US and Britain) move through North African to fight German and Italian troops there They are successful in North Africa and head towards Italy

9 Western Front Italy Invasion July 1943
The island of Sicily surrendered Mussolini removed from power and arrested Italy splits in two between Allies and Axis

10 Western Front D-Day June 6th, 1944
General Dwight D. Eisenhower in charge Normandy, France “Saving Private Ryan” Huge multi-national attempt 3 divisions parachuted at night behind lines Move towards Paris and liberate towns on the way Liberate Paris but huge losses on both sides

11 Western Front Battle of the Bulge December 1944
Hitler’s surprise attack Split the Allies army on Christmas Germany takes Allied prisoners US attacks and wins

12 Victory in Europe V-E Day May 8th, 1945
Britain and US move in from Italy, Russia, and the East They successfully storm Germany Hitler retreats and commits suicide Germans surrender Atlantic war over… now to the Pacific

13 Pacific Theater Japanese are doing well taking over China so they decide they want land in Southeast Asia to help them

14 US Involvement Pearl Harbor December 7th, 1941 Japan’s surprise attack
2,400 people died 1,178 wounded Next day Roosevelt asked Congress to declare war on Japan

15 Pacific Theater Philippines April 1942
Philippines are an American colony but the Japanese want them General Douglas MacArthur is put in charge of the Pacific Fleet US is forced to retreat to Australia Returns in 1944 Island Hopping - MacArthur’s plan - Leap frog, or bypass, the islands where Japan has a stronghold - Cut off Japanese supply

16 Pacific Theater Battle of Midway June 1942
Refueling station for the US US knew Japan’s plan to attack their refueling station US destroyed 4 Japanese aircraft carriers, a cruiser, and about 300 aircraft Last Japanese offensive strike Revenge for Pearl Harbor

17 Pacific Theater Iwo Jima February 1945
Island where US bombers could refuel to attack Japan 22,000 Japanese troops and 6,800 US Marines died

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