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AOIT Senior Presentation

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1 AOIT Senior Presentation
9/28/2018 AOIT Senior Presentation

2 College Application Advice from Valexa
General Advice Make sure you know your deadlines(for financial aid, test scores, interviews, etc), making an excel doc can be useful for that, and follow the deadlines the guidance office gives you because getting apps done two weeks before the real date is actually a stress saver in the long run, trust me. Watch out bc many schools also have earlier deadlines for honors programs, merit scholarships, etc. Be specific in your essays! If you really want to go somewhere, do the research and find what makes that college unique from the other schools you’re applying to and relate those things to who you are and what you want to do with those opportunities. This is really important. Don't forget to send thank you letters to your rec letter writers, your regional admissions officer, your interviewer, your guidance counselor, etc.

3 Continued……….. HTTP://TINYURL.COM/Y99WTE6C
Chill. You’re gonna get into college and even if you end up somewhere you originally didn’t picture yourself you have the opportunity to make the most of your experience. Interview for your less important colleges first for practice so you know how to handle the more stressful interview for your dream college(s) Apply early action/decision!! It’s much less stressful second semester if you know where you’re definitely going to college. Something you have to consider is wanting financial aid options but even ED doesn’t always mean you get less aid.

4 Tips for Selecting College
What career are you planning to pursue through the degree you hope to obtain? How much is the expected beginning salary for the position? What is the cost of completing this degree at this school vs other options? Does completing the degree at this particular school increase the expected salary for this position compared to other colleges? Can you complete the degree at this school without acquiring more student debt than 1 year of expected salary post graduation (ie. having $40K in student debt for a position that will start at $40K/year)? (This includes working part-time to pay as you go)

5 Personal Finance Conversation
What’s better? Renting or owning a home? What are some of the largest expenses that you’ll have? What the does the statement “College is the best 4 years of your life” really mean? How do you establish a credit history and why is it important? What are strategies to avoid racking up huge college debts?

6 Complete the “Reality Check”
Then explore careers with the other apps that interest you where you would make enough money to cover your expenses!

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