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Superintendent’s Annual Report & Goals for

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1 Superintendent’s Annual Report & Goals for 2014 - 2015
DRAFT Superintendent’s Annual Report & Goals for October 7, 2014

2 Mission Statement The purpose of the Troy School District is to ensure learning for all members of the school community.

3 State Accountability System
Schools and districts are expected to have 85% of all students and student groups proficient on state assessment by Student groups are defined as any group of 30 or more students who share economic, ethnic, limited English proficient, students with disabilities, or other characteristics. Schools and districts have been assigned by the state an individual yearly Annual Measureable Objective (AMO) AMO was calculated using the proficiency rate from the school year to create annual targets that increment to an end proficiency rate of 85% by

4 TSD Accountability Colors
Athens High School (06393) YELLOW Baker Middle School (00174) Barnard Elementary School (06941) Bemis Elementary School (06940) LIME Boulan Park Middle School (06367) Costello Elementary School (06364) Hamilton Elementary School (03715) Hill Elementary School (05163) Larson Middle School (06366) Leonard Elementary School (02161) Martell Elementary School (06365) Morse Elementary School (02618) Niles Community High School (08286) RED Schroeder Elementary School (06124) Smith Middle School (05413) Troy High School (04226) Troy Union Elementary School (04227) Wass Elementary School (06939) Wattles Elementary School (05537) Athens High School (06393) YELLOW Baker Middle School (00174) Barnard Elementary School (06941) Bemis Elementary School (06940) Boulan Park Middle School (06367) Costello Elementary School (06364) --District Scorecard-- Hamilton Elementary School (03715) Hill Elementary School (05163) Larson Middle School (06366) Leonard Elementary School (02161) Martell Elementary School (06365) Morse Elementary School (02618) Niles Community High School (08286) Schroeder Elementary School (06124) Smith Middle School (05413) Troy High School (04226) Troy Union Elementary School (04227) Wass Elementary School (06939) Wattles Elementary School (05537)

5 MEAP Reading (percent meeting or exceeding state standards)

6 What is the 8 year trend for MEAP results in Reading?

7 MEAP Mathematics (percent meeting or exceeding state standards)

8 What is the 8 year trend for MEAP results in Math?

9 MEAP Science (percent meeting or exceeding state standards)

10 What is the 8 year trend for MEAP results in Science?

11 AP Courses/Dual Enrollment
Students enrolled 1,272 (36% of student body) 1,376 (37% of student body) Dual Enrollment Students enrolled * Not including OCALC 27* 41 *

12 Teacher Quality Data 100% of TSD Teachers are Highly Qualified
69% of TSD Teachers hold a Masters Degree or Higher 7 Teachers have Earned a Ph.D., Ed.D. or J.D.

13 Superintendent Goals 2014-2015
Operational Effectiveness/Responsiveness Instruction – Achievement Instruction – Leadership Strategic Planning

14 Operational Effectiveness/Responsiveness
Business Services Institute operational efficiency and accuracy as measured by an annual stakeholder survey Strategies: Institute customer service metrics to include visibility and responsiveness; and Implement 100% usage compliance of e-finance modules including HR, Payroll, and Accounts Receivable.

15 Operational Effectiveness/Responsiveness
Human Resources Institute operational efficiency and accuracy as measured by an annual stakeholder survey Strategies: Institute customer service metrics to include visibility and responsiveness; and Update, develop and communicate important informational links for employees including links to personnel policies and procedures, certification information, collective bargaining agreements, benefit information, laws impacting employees, and human resources department contacts.

16 Operational Effectiveness/Responsiveness
Facilities/Operations Determine effectiveness of privatized preventative maintenance (PM) crews Strategies: Track operational efficiency as measured by weekly review of instituted work order system. Evaluate implementation of Bond issue projects Assess budget projections and project timelines through bi-weekly status updates with TMP, Barton Malow and TSD staff.

17 Instruction - Achievement
College & Career Readiness 85% Successful completion of early college and career programs of study Strategies: Monitor programs that lead to post-secondary credit or certification and promote annual growth and attainment. Maximize achievement gains for students identified within any sub-group as reported on a monthly basis Identify at-risk factors that cause students to be identified as part of the bottom 30%; and Implement and monitor changes that target specific at-risk factors.

18 Instruction - Leadership
Provide support and guidance for building leaders seeking to implement instructional improvement strategies as measured by an annual stakeholder survey Strategies: Identify customer service metrics to include visibility and responsiveness; and Articulate cohesion between district and building goals.

19 Strategic Planning Identify and implement monthly communication tools to reach a diverse audience Strategies: Implement three new tools that will be used monthly for internal and external stakeholder communication; and Identify, select and implement new web vendor for Fall 2015. Complete and report on 90-Day Entry Plan Provide thorough report to the Board on goals 1-6, objective and activities at October workshop;

20 Strategic Planning cont.
Submit a detailed report on next steps related to outcomes of completed 90-Day Entry Plan; and Complete and report on 90-Day Entry Plan. Develop Decision-Making Matrix Strategies: Identify committee to develop, and recommend decision-making model for curriculum, instruction and assessment to be implemented January 2015.

21 Questions?

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