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Play with a friend or alone! Paulos Menos II

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1 Play with a friend or alone! Paulos Menos II
Lab Midterm Jeopardy Play with a friend or alone! Paulos Menos II

2 Some quick things This doesn’t cover everything.
The difficulty distribution of the questions is most likely not equal, I’m not perfect… Don’t get to behind in studying for test 3 as well, it may come sooner than you realize

3 simply answer the question. happy studying (if possible)!
Lab 1 Lab 2 Lab 3 Lab 4 Lab 5 Lab 6 Lab 7 Lab 8 Lab 9 10 20 30 40 50

4 Lab 1 10 pts What does PPE stand for?

5 10 pts Personal protective equipment.

6 Lab 1 20 pts How long should the loop be leaved inside the incenerator?

7 20 pts Until ¾ of the loop glows red hot

8 Lab 1 30 pts Which of the following is required PPE for MCB3020 lab?
Lab coat Goggles Gloves Long sleeved shirts

9 30 pts Long sleeved shirts

10 Lab 1 40 pts What BSL is the microbiology lab at UCF?

11 40 pts BSL-2

12 Lab 1 50 pts First aid kits are located where?

13 50 pts In the hallway between the labs.

14 Lab 2 10 pts True or False. When holding a microscope, you only need to hold it at the arm.

15 10 pts False. You need to hold the arm and the base.

16 Lab 2 20 pts ____________ is a specialized staining method that uses an anionic dye to stain background rather than the cell.

17 20 pts Negative staining

18 Lab 2 30 pts Nigrosin is an example of what sort of dye?

19 30 pts Anionic dyes

20 Lab 2 40 pts Bacteria that exhibit a variety of cell shapes in a sample are known as ____________?

21 40 pts Pleomorphic

22 Lab 2 50 pts Tetracocci are to tetrads as Sarcinae are to what?

23 50 pts Cuboidal packets

24 Lab 3 10 pts The primary dye in the gram stain is?

25 10 pts Crystal Violet

26 Lab 3 20 points What is the mordant used in the Gram stain?

27 20 points Gram’s Iodine

28 Lab 3 30 pts Paulos is performing a Gram stain. He uses the primary dye but gets distracted and forgets to complete the rest of the steps. What color would the bacteria appear to be under his microscope?

29 30 pts Purple

30 Lab 3 40 pts The Gram stain is a __________ stain.

31 40 pts Differential

32 Lab 3 50 pts What is the decolorizer in the Gram stain? dH2O
70% Ethanol H2O 95% Ethanol

33 50 pts 95% Ethanol

34 Lab 4 10 PTS Methylene blue will dye cells what color?

35 10 pts Blue

36 Lab 4 20 pts True or False. Steaming is required after the secondary dye is used to stain the cell in Acid-Fast stain.

37 20 pts False.

38 Lab 4 30 pts What is the decolorizer in the endospore stain?

39 30 pts Water

40 Lab 4 40 pts Ziehl-Neelsen uses what dye as it’s primary dye?

41 40 pts Carbol fuchsin.

42 Lab 4 50 pts Which of the following is matched correctly for the Schaeffer-Fulton Method? Malachite green and Methylene blue Carbol fuchsin and Safranin Malachite green and Safranin Carbol fuchsin and Methylene blue Crystal violet and Safranin

43 50 pts Malachite green and Safranin

44 Lab 5 10 pts The solid, gelatin-like substance used in petri dishes is known as what?

45 10 pts Agar

46 Lab 5 20 pts True or False. You need to sterilize your loop when streaking from different zones on the same petri dish.

47 20 pts True.

48 Lab 5 30 pts In which of the zones on a streak plate should you find isolation? Zone I Zone II Zone III Zone IIIB

49 30 pts Zone IIIB.

50 Lab 5 40 pts What would the dilution factor be? 1 ml 7 ml 9 ml

51 40 pts 1/10

52 Lab 5 50 pts C If you needed to isolate bacteria that formed small white colonies on this agar, which CFU should you choose? A B D

53 50 pts D D

54 Lab 6 10 pts _______ is characterized with complete clearing of the red blood cells.

55 10 pts Beta (β) hemolysis

56 Lab 6 20 pts Cloudiness around the stab line in motility is a (positive, negative) result.

57 20 pts Positive

58 Lab 6 30 pts What inhibits the growth of Gram negative organisms in PEA?

59 30 pts Phenylethyl Alcohol

60 Lab 6 40 ___________ fermenters produce light purple to pink colonies on EMB agar.

61 40 pts 2,3-butanediol

62 Lab 6 50 pts What percentage of agar is added into motility medium?

63 50 pts 0.4%

64 Lab 7 10 pts What does TNTC mean?

65 10 pts Too numerous to count

66 Lab 7 20 pts What does TFTC mean?

67 20 pts Too few to count

68 Lab 7 30 pts What does CFU stand for?

69 30 pts Colony forming units.

70 Lab 7 40 pts What is the viable counting range for CFU’s on a plate.

71 40 pts 30–300

72 Lab 7 50 pts What is the dilution in the 6 mL tube?

73 50 pts 20 CFU/mL This question is set up to be a bit more difficult than anything you would see on a lab exam so you guys can get a bit more practice

74 Lab 8 10 pts A clearing zone around a colony on milk agar is a (positive, negative) result.

75 10 pts Positive

76 Lab 8 20 pts In the Phenol Red Broth, ________ tubes can be used to see if gas production occurred.

77 20 pts Durham

78 Lab 8 30 pts True or False. Lactose is read at the bottom of the tube in KIA.

79 30 pts False

80 Lab 8 40 KIA is ideally read about how long after its been inoculated.

81 40 pts 18 hours

82 Lab 8 50 What percentage of glucose is found in KIA?

83 50 pts 0.1%

84 Lab 9 10 True or Fasle? A positive result in the gelatin test will have the medium liquefied after sitting 20 minutes in ice.

85 10 pts True

86 Lab 9 20 When the Tryptone broth is used, a positive result will turn the top of the tube what color?

87 20 pts Cerise

88 Lab 9 30 True or false? You stab the agar in a Phenylalanine Slant.

89 30 pts False

90 Lab 9 40 In the Simmon’s Citrate test, a positive result turns the media what color?

91 40 pts Blue

92 Lab 9 50 With the Methyl red tests in the MR-VP, a _____________ fermenter will turn the broth to a red color.

93 50 pts Mixed acid fermenter

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