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Presentation on theme: "Elecbits."— Presentation transcript:

1 Elecbits

Description: The reverse parking assistance system is based on ultrasonic sensor. Ultrasonic signal bursts are transmitted to determine the distance of the object from the vehicle. This project can be used with any kind of vehicle and also used as a security system (collision avoidance system) in unmanned vehicles. As the vehicle approaches an object, the parking sensor assistance system alerts the driver with a buzzer sound. As the vehicle approaches the object the buzzing frequency increases and if crosses a safe area then it will beep continuously.

3 Block Diagram

4 Working The reverse parking assistance system uses an ultrasonic sensor to determine the distance of the vehicle from the object. For this the ultrasonic sensor transmits a trigger pulse for at least 10µs and then a signal of 40KHz is transmitted with 8 cycle sonic burst. This pulse is received after reflecting from a surface. The echo pin is made high for the time difference between transmitting and receiving the signal. Then the calculations are done for determining the distance of object. For parking assistance system, this distance is used for buzzer sound. As the distance decreases the buzzer frequency increases. If the distance decreases from a safe value then the buzzer will remain active.

5 Schematics

6 Thank You

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